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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Kurdish lawmaker: Abadi unable to resolve the problems within two months and we do not have any fear

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Kurdish lawmaker: Abadi unable to resolve the problems within two months and we do not have any fear Empty Kurdish lawmaker: Abadi unable to resolve the problems within two months and we do not have any fear

    Post by Rocky Fri 03 Oct 2014, 3:03 pm

    Kurdish lawmaker: Abadi unable to resolve the problems within two months and we do not have any fear of it

    10/3/2014 0 

    Alsumaria News / Baghdad
    MP from the Kurdistan Alliance Sarhan Ahmed, said Friday that Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi unable to resolve the differences between the central government and the regional government of Kurdistan during the next two months, indicating that the Kurds do not have any fear of Abadi, as he emphasized that the ministers of the Kurds will take part in the government after the holiday Eid al-Adha. Ahmed said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi promised to solve the differences between Baghdad and Erbil during a session of the House of Representatives where they had been granted confidence to his government, "stressing" the ability of al-Abadi to resolve all differences between the parties and the launch of the salaries of the staff of the region during the two months the next two.  Ahmed said that "the Kurds do not have any fear of the new prime minister," pointing out that "the Kurdish minister will participate in the federal government after the Eid al-Adha." The decision of the Parliament Niazi architecture Ihsanoglu stressed on Tuesday (30 September 2014), that the minister will perform the Kurds was sworn in after the end of the holiday of Eid al-Adha directly.
    It is noteworthy that the Kurdistan Alliance has set a deadline of three months for the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to respond to the demands of the Kurdish forces began on Monday (8 September 2014) when parliament gave confidence to the Government of the good, and since then, the Minister of the Kurds who have been selected as ministers did not perform the constitutional oath and did not collect their duties after.

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