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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Sulaymaniyah supports the Turkish opposition and Erbil adopts the Iranian one.. Al-Party explains th

    Admin Assist
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    Sulaymaniyah supports the Turkish opposition and Erbil adopts the Iranian one.. Al-Party explains th Empty Sulaymaniyah supports the Turkish opposition and Erbil adopts the Iranian one.. Al-Party explains th

    Post by Rocky Wed 01 Nov 2023, 2:27 pm

    Sulaymaniyah supports the Turkish opposition and Erbil adopts the Iranian one.. Al-Party explains the reasons for “double dealing”
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad today - Erbil
    Member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Rebin Salam, confirmed today, Wednesday (November 1, 2023), that his party supports all Kurdish liberation movements in the countries of the region and the world, denying bias towards the Iranian and Syrian Kurdish opposition, in contrast to the Turkish Kurdish parties represented by the Kurdistan Workers’ Party.
    Salam said in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “it is not true that the Democratic Party supports the Syrian and Iranian Kurdish parties and opposes the existence of the Turkish Kurdish parties. On the contrary, we support everyone .”
    He added, "The only difference is that we refuse to make the Kurdistan region an arena for political liquidations and a ground for transferring the conflicts of the Kurdish parties from any country on the territory of the region ."
    He explained, "We support parties that engage in political and peaceful activity in obtaining their rights, and this is what we did in the days of the opposition when we were refugees in other countries. We did not cause any country to be embarrassed, and therefore all parties that are present within the region must maintain their peaceful political activity only." " .
    He stated that "the reason for our disagreement with the Turkish Kurdish parties, specifically the Kurdistan Workers' Party, is their insistence on making the region a ground for their battle with the Turkish authority . "
    The Iranian Kurdish opposition parties are spread in the areas of Koya, Jinkan, Koysanjak and other cities located near Erbil, the stronghold of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, while the Iranian parties also bear the name of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (Hadak) or the Iranian Democratic Party of Kurdistan.
    It was believed in circles monitoring political affairs that Kurdish parties opposed to Turkey were spreading in areas under the influence of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, which explains the bombing and ban on flying to Sulaymaniyah Airport by the Turkish side, which accuses Sulaymaniyah of supporting and harboring the leaders of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (the Turkish-Kurdish opposition). On the other hand, the opposition exists. Turkish-Iranian areas of influence of the Kurdistan Democratic Party.
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