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    Parliamentary Committee: enact laws that elevate the health sector

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    Parliamentary Committee: enact laws that elevate the health sector Empty Parliamentary Committee: enact laws that elevate the health sector

    Post by Rocky Sun 12 Oct 2014, 8:50 am

    Parliamentary Committee: enact laws that elevate the health sector

    10/12/2014 0:00 

    BAGHDAD - Shaima Rashid 
    expressed the Health Committee parliamentary willingness to make efforts and cooperation with the concerned parties in order to increase interest in the health sector will lead to the advancement of its reality through the enactment of legislation which would provide opportunities for the provision of modern equipment and the construction of hospitals and encourage investment in this sector and contribute to cause major changes to make it live up to international standards . 
    cares government program for the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi upgrading the level of health services provided to citizens on according to international standards and clear in terms of the quality and efficiency of the Angels medical and deliver service to the beneficiaries by increasing the hospitals and health centers and intensify health care programs, and the introduction of modern medical equipment on according to the mechanics and new concepts based to purchase the service and updated. 
    member of the Health Committee on the mass of the citizen Hassan Khalati cautioned that the health aspect in Iraq needs a revival and a comprehensive upgrade it through the expansion of health services provided to citizens and also a kind and encouraging investment in this sector. He »Sabah»: «the health sector of the most important sectors that must be convergence of more attention by the government, it's about the daily life of citizens», he said, «despite the existence of significant developments in terms of infrastructure for this side, but not the level of ambition of the citizen». 
    He added: «The government program contains a lot of issues that are interested in this sector of the most important development of the health centers and the construction of a large number of them, as well as a program called buy health service by the state and secured to the citizen, and this program will be provided by the Health Committee after being studied ». He also called Khalati to implement a program of health insurance or health insurance adopted in many countries, which helps to alleviate the burden on the citizens and the momentum in the health institutions. And between Khalati that the challenges facing the health sector many of them small number of doctors and staffs health compared to global standards and this needs to hold fast to bring the Angels from abroad interim phase until the availability of cadres of local, as well as expanding acceptance in colleges and medical institutes, as well as the opening of new faculties able to meet the needs of doctors in various specialties. 
    Observers believe that the health sector in the country which is one of the largest sectors witnessing a deterioration for various reasons, most notably the lack of legislation real health-related, while complaining citizens of the low and the low level of medical services and the lack of medicine in government hospitals and the lack of oversight as well as high doctors' salaries, and in spite of the huge investments allocated to the health system in the country during more than a decade ago of time, but that the health status of the Iraqis are not equivalent to those disbursements. 
    part, between a member of the Health Committee of the Parliamentary choose Shaways pursuit of his committee to the legislation, the draft Law on Health Insurance. He said in a press statement: «that the committee put in the forefront of the priorities of its Multi health insurance to citizens so we will work on the legislation, a law that regulates this guarantee», indicating that there are bills to important health will be studied for the purpose of promoting the health situation and the services provided to citizens. 
    to it, and described the committee member Siham al-Moussawi, the health sector that is suffering from a decline in the level of services, saying in a statement »Sabah»: «that most hospitals lacked a sufficient number of advanced devices, as well as the lack of health supplies in the hospitals of the province and district» .odat to pause serious health minister One of the Health Committee in the Parliament in order to improve this sector, especially that in direct contact with the citizens, also called for the fight against corruption in this sector, especially with the presence of corruption cases many in most hospitals, according to its expression. 
    also alerted Musawi to the shortage in the number of doctors jurisdiction and lack of services in hospitals, demanding the introduction of the medical staffs at the sessions for the advancement of their abilities and raise their level, indicating that the Health Committee was in the process of passing laws that concern the sector, especially laws that address the failures in the pan joints healthy side.

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