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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iranian gas exports to Iraq have stopped completely for this reason Local

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iranian gas exports to Iraq have stopped completely for this reason Local Empty Iranian gas exports to Iraq have stopped completely for this reason Local

    Post by Rocky Sun 24 Nov 2024, 3:59 am

    Iranian gas exports to Iraq have stopped completely for this reason
    2024-11-24 | 04:45
    Iranian gas exports to Iraq have stopped completely for this reason
    Alsumaria News
    Alsumaria News - Local

    The Ministry of Electricity announced the suspension of electricity supplies.mystificationThe Iranian aircraft will be completely shut down for "maintenance purposes," she said, adding that the move will last for 15 days.
    The ministry stated in a statement received by Sumaria News, "The Ministry of Electricity is currently implementing its strategic and emergency plans to raise the capabilities of the national electricity system and all its sectors (production, transmission and distribution) and to resume work on projects that have been stalled and halted for many years to obtain generating capacities that were lost and unused to improve production and raise its rates to suit the stability of the supply, relying on part of the operation of its production stations onmystificationNational, another part of it on national fuel, and another onmystificationImported, until the completion of government projects working on rehabilitating the fieldsmystification"National".

    The ministry pointed out that "supplies have stopped."mystificationFully Iranian for maintenance purposes for (15 days according to the Iranian side)BaghdadAnd the areaMiddleAnd governoratesEuphratesMiddle, which made the system lose (5500Mika"Watts"".

    According to the statement, "It is agreed that the launches will bemystificationToday, Sunday, it was (25 million cubic meters/day), and now the amount paid is (7 million) transferred fromBaghdadAnd the center for the southern region.”

    The statement added: “Accordingly, the Ministry of Electricity will coordinate, in accordance with government directives, with the Ministry of Oil at a higher level to compensate for the gas lost by the system,” calling on everyone to “take into account the circumstances beyond control and maintain the loads until the maintenance work is completed and pumping resumes.”mystificationIn the required quantities.
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      Current date/time is Sat 18 Jan 2025, 1:22 am