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    Ross revealed video pirates "leaked from a computer McCain" for fabricating Daash to slaughter


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Ross revealed video pirates "leaked from a computer McCain" for fabricating Daash to slaughter Empty Ross revealed video pirates "leaked from a computer McCain" for fabricating Daash to slaughter

    Post by Lobo Tue 14 Jul 2015, 1:33 pm

    Ross revealed video pirates "leaked from a computer McCain" for fabricating Daash to slaughter their victims

    Ross revealed video pirates "leaked from a computer McCain" for fabricating Daash to slaughter Vido
    Follow-up -arac Press -14 July: It's a conspiracy .. word has always stuck minds of many people, especially in third world countries who look at everything with suspicion and doubt that the West, led by the United States is behind the crises, wars and terrorism. (According to toss site)
    For reflected when extremist organization Daash publish videos slaughtered for foreign hostages and one show after the other in a manner different from those carried out by the organization usually when Balchwia Bosrah of Arabs and show the worst forms of slaughter and representation to victims.
    News to come from Russia and snowing issuance of supporters conspiracy theory when electronic broadcast group call themselves hackers Cyber ​​Birkett video said it leaked from the personal computer to the American senator John McCain Hsalo McCain when he was on a visit to Ukraine.
    Where they appear in the video film scenes for the process of filming a famous videos of slaughter carried out by Daash inside Holyoda professional studio. It seemed that the two representatives of the victim and the executioner no more no.
    Far from going into the debate about the health of the video or not, there are things that catches the eye, first of which is significantly mismatches in the desert environment and some sand dunes that have emerged, in addition to the great similarities Pray Aldaasha the Ripper.
    The distribution cameras technically is the same party that was traveling by the film's director visits from right of the screen and the time of direct confrontation angle, not to mention a fan to produce wind from the same corner that appeared in the video, which was broadcast Daash. As well as The same applies to shed lighting which simulates through filters used the sun's rays that appeared in the original section of the slaughter.


    Daash expands to Hollywood with the help of John McCain (Video toss)
    Published on Jul 13, 2015
    Toss - Damascus - report and Editing: Abdo Halima ------------------------------------- sensation most recently the Pirates Ross stayed when a video clip said it leaked from the personal computer to the American senator John McCain appears that some of the slaughter carried out by Daash has its industry in Hollywood.

      Current date/time is Sat 07 Sep 2024, 3:24 pm