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    to reveal past government «You senior officials»

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3197
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    to reveal past government «You senior officials» Empty to reveal past government «You senior officials»

    Post by day dreamer Sat 10 Oct 2015, 11:43 pm

    Keywords: to reveal past government «You senior officials»


     10/11/2015 0:00

    {Formation of anti-corruption council to hold accountable the thieves of public money}
    Baghdad, Alaa al-Tai
    New director of the Office of the Prime Minister, Mahdi Keywords, the government's determination to proceed with the implementation of the reforms launched in response to the demands of the demonstrators and reference packages, stressing that the formation of the anti-corruption, will play a vital role in the accounting thieves of public money and the pursuit of squandered the country's wealth.
    Keywords and said in an interview with »Sabah»: The «government continues to fight against corruption and the implementation of reforms packages and prosecute thieves of public money» saying «begin to form-fighting Corruption Council in order to prosecute those who wasted the people's money» adding that «the fight against corruption is not as important as
    Daash fight ».
    And on the activation of anti-corruption measures, the director of the prime minister's office, made it clear that it is a centerpiece of a paper reform announced by the government two months in response to calls and reference demands of the demonstrators since, pointing to the existence of «two recommendations relate to open past and present corrupt files and activating the principle Where did you get this».
    Keywords noted, that the government will invite specialized judges with such files, renowned for their integrity to prosecute corrupt, and set a time limit to the issues of censorship and expose corruption and the announcement of the
    He said the Director of the Office of the Prime Minister, I have «were ordered to form the Supreme Council for the fight against corruption, headed by the Prime Minister and the membership secretary general of the Council of Ministers and the President of the Board of Supreme Audit and Chairman of the Integrity Commission and the Council of the judiciary and there is a work program for this
    Council ».
    And relationships between, and the existence of other recommendations relating to the field of anti-corruption, related to «activate the role of the regulatory institutions and focus on activating the offices of inspectors general and provide benchmarks on that side and fit in a popular size and religious claims on rooting
    Corruption ».
    Keywords hinted, that a large part of the eradication of corruption policies, contained in the paper the government program, which extends for the years 2014-2018 indicating that «the problem is in the implementation of the program comes to its association with the political situation, and the fluctuations experienced by the
    Country ».
    Jostling for the second consecutive Juma, the voices of the religious authority, to demand that the government »beatings with an iron fist» corrupt heads, stressing the need to speed up «disclose corrupted files senior
    Officials ».
    And demanded the Supreme religious authority, yesterday Friday, judicial authorities to be strong in corrupt accounting «without lubricity or favor to one», calling the political forces at the same time to «non-coverage on the corrupt Whatever their positions and their status».

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