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    Shocking facts... What are the government measures after senior officials were accused of corruption

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    Shocking facts... What are the government measures after senior officials were accused of corruption Empty Shocking facts... What are the government measures after senior officials were accused of corruption

    Post by Rocky Mon 11 Sep 2023, 4:46 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Shocking facts... What are the government measures after senior officials were accused of corruption?[/size]

    [size=45]Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani pledged to put the elimination of corruption at the top of his priorities when he took office late last October, and the war on corruption began between prosecution, issuing arrest warrants, and seizing funds, but these treatments were “confined within a narrow scope that does not reach the heads of corruption.” According to observers,[/size]
    [size=45]Meanwhile, anti-corruption authorities revealed what happens after senior government officials are accused of corruption. The Federal Integrity Commission, a semi-independent body subject to the oversight of the House of Representatives and charged with combating corruption, announces every month the issuance of dozens of arrest and recruitment orders against a number of senior and high-ranking officials, vowing to continue the war on corruption and the corrupt, describing the battle as fateful.[/size]
    [size=45]Government resolve[/size]
    [size=45]The media advisor to the Prime Minister, Hisham Al-Rikabi, confirms that “the government continues to pursue the corrupt and recover money, and this is one of the priorities of its work and within its government program,” pointing out during his talk to Shafaq News Agency that “many corrupt officials have been arrested in different governorates, and there is a follow-up of corruption files in coordination.” With the Integrity Commission and the Supreme Judicial Council.”[/size]
    [size=45]The Integrity Commission gives “the cases of major corrupt people and those concerned with special grade cases priority within its investigative departments to implement arrest and recruitment orders against them, which is evident in the monthly tally, which usually exceeds 30 defendants from the special grades of director general, minister, deputy minister, ambassadors, and deputies.” Current and former,” according to the head of the Al-Nahrain Foundation for Supporting Transparency and Integrity, Muhammad Al-Rubaie.[/size]
    [size=45]Al-Rubaie notes that “preparing the file to recover the accused who fled outside the country takes several months, due to legal procedures and international communications in this regard,” indicating that “arrest orders against the corrupt do not make any distinction, whether he is an official or a citizen.”[/size]
    [size=45]It is noteworthy that Al-Sudani not only placed the fight against corruption at the top of the priorities of his government program, but also announced the formation of the “Supreme Anti-Corruption Authority,” and is trying to recover the stolen funds, in addition to coordinating with international organizations concerned with combating corruption, such as the United Nations, the World Bank, and the International Police (Interpol). And a number of countries in order to develop the capabilities of Iraq and its institutions concerned with eliminating corruption.[/size]
    [size=45]But on the other hand, the head of the “Rasd” Center for Political and Strategic Studies, Dr. Muhammad Ghasoub Younis, is surprised, despite Iraq having several oversight bodies, including the Financial Oversight, the Integrity Commission, the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, and the courts that follow up on these cases, but so far, “they have not been able to These parties should point out the major figures who are leading the corruption operations.”[/size]
    [size=45]Two types of corruption[/size]
    [size=45]Younis details the types of corruption by saying: “There are two types of corruption. The first is illegal and unprotected corruption, which is done by some simple thieves and thieves. The second type is corruption that is legalized and protected from political forces, as happened in (Theft of the Century) and the Nour case. Zuhair and Haitham Al-Jubouri. The Iraqi government had previously issued international arrest warrants that included a number of former officials residing outside Iraq, as part of what is known as the “theft of the century,” which exceeded $2.5 billion, stolen from “tax depositories” through illegal cash withdrawals during the past two years. 2021 and 2022.[/size]
    [size=45]Political interference[/size]
    [size=45]In turn, a member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, MP Abdul Rahim Al-Shammari, says that “the files of the major corrupt have not been opened yet,” indicating that “political parties always interfere in the work of the Integrity Committee, and the right to public money is lost,” revealing that “the major corrupt are mostly politicians.” Senior politicians, or senior politicians who support them.”[/size]
    [size=45]Al-Shammari presents facts about the interference of political parties by saying, “A while ago, a senior official in the Ministry of Oil was hosted or brought in, and the Integrity Committee recommended that this man should at least step down from his position, given the inability to do anything for him, because there are senior officials behind him.” He continues: “And also in the case of the director of the petroleum products distribution company, as he was summoned by the committee for the purpose of clarification, but he claimed illness, and has not come yet, because there is a party and a large bloc behind him. Likewise, the Sunni Endowment file was opened, but senior Sunni politicians intervened in it. There is a large file in the Ministry of Oil and the interference of Shiite politicians in it, and in the Ministry of Electricity as well, as well as in the issue of investment, governors, and many others,” pointing out that “the Integrity Committee sometimes resorts to the media to prevent the interference of these politicians.”[/size]
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