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    Virtue demanding the presidency of the parliament to include infrastructure law on the agenda

    Admin Assist
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    Virtue demanding the presidency of the parliament to include infrastructure law on the agenda   Empty Virtue demanding the presidency of the parliament to include infrastructure law on the agenda

    Post by Rocky Tue 26 Mar 2013, 8:07 am

    Virtue demanding the presidency of the parliament to include infrastructure law on the agenda


    Term Press / Baghdad
    Called block virtue in the House of Representatives, on Tuesday, the presidency of parliament to insert "law infrastructure" on the agenda of the Council during future meetings, and confirmed that the adoption of the Law of infrastructure will lead to solving the housing crisis and activating the Iraqi economy, while confirming that the general budget for 2013 will not solve the problems of services.
    The MP said the a virtue Hussein Mura'bi block "on the Presidency of the Council of Representatives to include infrastructure law on the Council's agenda for a vote in the coming period," noting that "the Council can develop severe regulatory procedures to ensure the encirclement of corruption to the maximum possible."
    He Mura'bi that "vote on the law infrastructure will eliminate the housing crisis in Iraq by removing slums scattered across the country, as well as activating the Iraqi economy," adding that "to allow companies to global giants to participate reconstruct Iraq will reduce the ceilings set up projects in the country. "
    He Mura'bi, a member of the parliamentary economic committee that "the general budget for 2013 will not solve the problems service in the country, because the Qlsh investment allocations and delayed adopted, as well as the implementation coincided with the appointment of provincial elections in the country.
    The Iraqi Council of Representatives passed in (the eighth of March 2013) the majority law of the financial budget for the current year 2013, worth 139 trillion dinars, Province coalition of Kurdish blocs and the Iraqi List, after six times postponed due to disagreements.
    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, has called in (15 September 2012), during a press conference held at the parliament building on the sidelines hosted, to vote on the bill infrastructure, and demanded the House of Representatives to allocate (37) billion dollars for the advancement of infrastructure in the country.
    The ages of Law infrastructure and service sectors witnessed a dispute between the parliamentary blocs, forcing the House of Representatives (30 August 2012) to postpone the vote.

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