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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Legal representative: Proposal to approve the federal legal and amnesty

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Legal representative: Proposal to approve the federal legal and amnesty Empty Legal representative: Proposal to approve the federal legal and amnesty

    Post by Rocky Wed 17 Feb 2016, 3:38 am

    Legal representative: Proposal to approve the federal legal and amnesty[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
     By: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    of Wednesday 17/2/2016 2:25
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    Baghdad / Baghdad news 
    Parliamentary Legal Committee unveiled a proposal to resolve the dispute over the project 
    of the Federal Supreme Court Act "weighted" voting on the draft general amnesty law in parliament sessions in the next week. " 
    Said committee member Hassan Turan, in an interview he followed" Baghdad news "in a recent visit House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, the legal Committee, asked the Commission to end all the points of contention in a legal amnesty and the Supreme Federal Court for presentation to the voting sessions this week. " 
    " for the Federal Court could no longer legal committee to add something after he finished all points of contention remained only matters related between the center and the Kurdistan region, and that the legal Committee expressed its opinion to this topic, it is a dispute between the political blocs. " 
    he called Turan," the heads of blocs to resolve this dispute, and if this is not possible on the presidency of the Council of Representatives can view the bill and then vote on it, especially and that the law requires as stipulated by the Constitution to vote two-thirds majority, and there is a decision of the Federal Court to be a vote on each article of the law two-thirds majority. " 
    he noted," as for the draft general amnesty law, he still comes to the opinions of some of the blocks policy, "noting that" legal Committee formed a sub-committee of them, to discuss the points of disagreement and the convergence of views, to accomplish that their actions during this week, and that is the law and be ready for a vote next Saturday. " 
    and the legal member of the parliamentary" the main point of contention in the law are the exceptions set out in law covers Article 4 / terrorism, and what are the exceptions that should be do not include by this Article. " 
    said Turan," the existence of differences between the national Alliance and the Union of national forces in this article on Palmhmolin in terror, as and bloc Liberal has the face of opposition to the parties in the article as well, then your emphasis will be placed at the next hearing on the issue of exceptions and perhaps the law ready for a vote next week. " 
    the head of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri, was the face of the parliamentary legal committee, the resolution of the dispute over the legal draft of the Federal Court and the amnesty soon, wa & # 65275; expiry of finalization and the resolution of the contentious Anagathma for submission to parliament for a vote on them and admitting. " 
    He visited al-Jubouri, the seventh of February parliamentary legal committee met the President and members of the committee, for the latest about the laws."

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