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    Mandatory service under the legislation and the National Guard looking for a lifeline

    Admin Assist
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     Mandatory service under the legislation and the National Guard looking for a lifeline Empty Mandatory service under the legislation and the National Guard looking for a lifeline

    Post by Rocky Thu 18 Feb 2016, 2:41 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] Mandatory service under the legislation and the National Guard looking for a lifeline
     By: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    date: Thursday 02.18.2016 5:52
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    Murtaza Hassan 
    back again compulsory military service, which had been raised in the last period the law of the possibility of legislation and its application from the House of Representatives, the effects at the same time a sensation, both in the corridors of political or grass circles, but many they described as significant and fundamental in Iraqi society being addresses a number of issues, the most important is to involve the members of society to various sects and thus contribute to the elimination of sectarian pulse, and build national spirit also predicted approval in the near time this year. the most likely for security and defense committee member of the parliamentary Majid al-Gharawi, Wednesday, legislation Service Law mandatory during the second half of the current year, the large agree upon between the political blocs, explaining that the delay was the result of the economic situation and the need for his private balance within the defense budget. he Ghraoui for "father", he said that "there is a tendency among the House of Representatives to enact mandatory service law , due to the large importance in achieving national cohesion and build the military establishment as the ideal. " he added that" the Committee during a meeting with the commander of the armed forces, Haider al-Abadi, the matter raised in the desire to send a cabinet Law after you complete it and vote on it, "he explained," Abadi He pointed out that there are some dilemmas government faces about law enforcement mechanism while the legislation ", and pointed out that" the financial and economic situation will represent a major obstacle in the way of implementation of the law at the present time if what has been enacted, "likely" to be enacted during the second half of the current year to the presence of broadly agree upon between the political blocs. "while he welcomed the Iraqi forces union legislation service law mandatory, and stressed the need for legislation, said the National Guard Law document the political agreement that formed the basis of which the Iraqi government. the leader of the Raad Aldhlki Union in an interview I followed" Baghdad news ", that" the assessment of important laws Service Law and welcome legitimizes also has a great importance, "calling to" clarify the details and conditions of the compulsory service law if enacted. " turn assured the Security and defense Committee in Parliament member Mohammad al-Karbouli, said that the adoption of conscription law would end disputes the Barriers and concerns the adoption of the National Guard Law, returned to work by the urgent need to re-army structural Iraqi national coherent. Karbouli said in a statement received "Baghdad news" that "setbacks suffered by the Iraqi military in recent years, revealed the size of the plots regional weakening the Iraqi army, which it was in fifth ranking among the strongest Middle East armies and the most disciplined and doctrine. " turn the MP for the state high Nassif law, said in an interview with" Baghdad news "that" conscription law has become an absolute necessity, and there is a clear conviction that it is possible to rebuild the relationship of the citizen state and It builds loyalty to her, and end the illegal formations, and we introduced a proposed law to parliament from the previous session At this session, also from a number of Representatives. "

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