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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    20 thousand pieces of land in Baghdad "without landmarks," and claims sorted them

    Admin Assist
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    20 thousand pieces of land in Baghdad "without landmarks," and claims sorted them Empty 20 thousand pieces of land in Baghdad "without landmarks," and claims sorted them

    Post by Rocky Tue 17 May 2016, 4:02 am

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    20 thousand pieces of land in Baghdad "without landmarks," and claims sorted them

     BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    Accused of a number of land owners in Abu Dshir province south of Baghdad, on Monday, the Municipality of Baghdad to "foot - dragging and lack of seriousness" in the completion of the demarcation of cutting down the process after 14 years of distribution, with Ezzat Baghdad Municipality reasons for the delay to the failure to allocate the money necessary to do so, Deputy governor of Baghdad , the completion of the sort of land and delivered to citizens by the end ofthis year. 
    he said the president of the goal Walid al - Baghdadi (a grouping was created from some citizens more than ayear to follow the sort private lands in Abu Dshir district) in an interview (long - Presse) that " Municipality of the Secretariat of Baghdad 's Rasheed circle, is still lagging behind in the process of counting the land, which has been distributed in Abu Dshir County, south of Baghdad, for nearly 14 years, under the pretexts and formany reasons , including failure to allocate necessary to conduct screening operations funds. " 
    al - Baghdadi said that" the people of those lands were willing to sort their land by contributing to the funds it needs secretion process , but we have not touched any response on the matter , "noting that" there are2,300 out of 23,000 Residential segment in the process completed within the coming weeks, as a first stage of the screening, "he at the same time, that " the owners of these lands waiting for the second phase." 
    for his part, Director of relations and media in the Municipality of Baghdad Hakim Abdul Zahra, in an interview (long - Presse) that " the Baghdad Municipality has completed part of the territory , officially and is now in theprocess of completing the other part while recognizing that there is delay the process and slow the completion of the screening process , "attributing the reasons for the delay to" the absence of the possibility of the Municipality of Baghdad in the allocation of the necessary funds to finish the counting procedures. " 
    stressed Abdul - Zahra on the need" to report any abuse on those lands to be removed by the It detachments honesty and especially we have to raise many of the abuses on some previously occupied , "calling the real Estate Registration Department to" complete the receipt of the territory that have been complete them in afundamentalist. " for 
    his part , deputy governor of Baghdad Atwan Atwani, in an interview (long - Presse) that he" will be complete Sort all lands and delivered to citizens by the end of the year 2016 , "pointing out that" the local government will allocate funds to support these territories. " 
    Atwan said that" these lands were distributed before 2003, but it did not draw borders has not delivered to citizens due to cases of abuse on land through the transformation of this region for the landfill and debris and thus difficult to excretion , "stressing that" the party responsible for the sort of land is the municipality ofBaghdad and thus cost the municipal department territorial settlement to be uninhabitable . "He Atwani" We are a local as a government take care of housing and seek all means of land for the clearing of land for citizens , "pointing out that " we will follow the municipal districts and the municipality of Baghdad to clear thedebris from the area in order to proceed to Tovralkhaddmat in these areas. " 
    Atwani stressed that" if the situation improves we will support the municipality of Baghdad to prepare the land , "and expressed the hope that "secrete other areas of the capital Baghdad." 
    the number of land in Abu Dshir province about 23 thousand pieces of land have been distributed in the era of the former regime , the employees of the former Iraqi army and citizens, located on the road linking theregions of the session and Awiridj south of Baghdad. 
    a number of owners of land Abu Dshir have created gathered on behalf of ( the territory of the province of10.2 and 3 owners gathered in Abu Dshir area) , which carries the slogan (we all have one vote for sorting) and staged a series of demonstrations and a campaign in the social networking sites demanding sort lands stressing that they represent more than 100 000 person. it is 
    noteworthy that Iraq is suffering a severe housing crisis due to the growing population, relative to the number of residential complexes, in addition to the inability of citizens with limited income from the construction of its own housing units, because of the high cost of land and construction materials. it is 
    noteworthy that the Mayor of Baghdad anniversary Alloush directed end of last year 2015, to accelerate screening procedures province of 3/10 in the municipality of rational , which includes about 15 thousand apiece of residential boycotted.

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