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    The Guardian: victims of US strikes in Iraq more than it declared Washington

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    The Guardian: victims of US strikes in Iraq more than it declared Washington Empty The Guardian: victims of US strikes in Iraq more than it declared Washington

    Post by Rocky Thu 16 Jun 2016, 3:51 am

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    The Guardian: victims of US strikes in Iraq more than it declared Washington

     translation: Range 

    In Afghanistan , the US learned lessons on how to avoid civilian casualties, but her problem she did not apply those lessons in Iraq. 
    With the continued US and Iraqi forces pressing Daash in Fallujah, there are still more than 50 thousand civilians trapped in the city.These protection is not only a moral imperative, but is necessary to achieve the strategic objectives of theUnited States in the long term. Failure to do so means that the generals did not benefit from the lessons ofAfghanistan. 
    In 2008 , the US military killed hundreds of civilians in Afghanistan, where the entire army relied on air strikes and weak intelligence and the warlords predators who do not care about American interests. As a result, exposed innocent to murder and abuse. In 
    addition , and while caused civilian casualties undermine the US mission in Afghanistan, the US military has worsened matters , causing further harm to civilians by the arrest of error and destruction of property ofpeople. 
    Unfortunately , the United States , those lessons have not been applied in full on operations in Iraq and Syria, and demanding its partners to adopt the same lessons. With the increase in US dependence on the local armed forces in the implementation of counter - terrorism operations, the failure to protect civilians is an important strategic risks for the US objectives. 
    The United States launched more than 9 thousand air strike in Iraq and Syria, but acknowledged the death ofonly 41 civilians , while the real number much more than that. This means that the US military to learn a lot of damage to civilians out of Afghanistan. 
    In Yemen supports intelligence and weapons the US - Saudi air strikes that have killed thousands of civilians and caused a humanitarian disaster. Amid credible allegations of Saudi Arabia war crimes, the United States risks undermining the interests of the strategy is working side by side with the Saudis until they provide armed aircraft drones and special forces. 
    President Obama has made ​​clear his commitment to improving transparency and accountability in the US counter - terrorism operations, and US officials translation of his speech into reality by creating a common policy on the protection of civilians covering all US operations and unite the Department of defense 's efforts to follow up the damage caused to civilians in the analysis of data and help the leaders in the development oftactics and more efficient operations. This means the formation of a new and permanent teams within the US military leaders to analyze and compensate civilians for damages suffered the , and that this new approach will support the protection of the civilian efforts of the partner of the United States , which has become acentral legitimacy in the strategy of the United States to fight terrorism forces. 
    As President Obama said, it is not there is a military solution to the security threats posed by terrorist groups such as Daash, but we believe that the long - term political stability depends on US partners and the type ofpolicy in areas such as tenderness and Mosul after the defeat Daash. 
    campaign for US presidency , which calls for intensive bombing, torture and kill the families of terrorists, offend not just American values, but also to the lessons learned by the generals in Afghanistan. 
    He says David Sidney Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of defense , former "I believe in American exceptionalism , but only if we can prove." the 
    United States government has a chance to institutionalize the lessons of the past, but the formation of a US Army more intelligent, humane and Stratejp, equipped American exceptionalism now to prove in future conflicts.
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