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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Legal reveal disagreement between political parties on the law of "accountability and

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary Legal reveal disagreement between political parties on the law of "accountability and  Empty Parliamentary Legal reveal disagreement between political parties on the law of "accountability and

    Post by Rocky Sun 26 Jun 2016, 8:28 am

    Parliamentary Legal reveal disagreement between political parties on the law of "accountability and justice"
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    A member of the parliamentary legal committee MP Salim Shawki, Sunday, there is a difference between the National Alliance and the Union of Forces on the amendment of the Justice and Accountability Law, while noting that the new legislative term of the parliament will pass a number of important laws.
    Shawki said in an interview, "There is a difference in views between the National Alliance and the Union of national forces on the amendment of the Justice and Accountability Act," noting that "this difference delay the approval of the law."
    He said Shawki "The National Alliance calls for the resolution of some of the files relating to accountability, before turning to a dossier judicially", adding that "the Union of Forces confirms that the time is too late to turn the issue of a court file to it within the transitional provisions to the Constitution, which means decisively for a certain period and then turns its files to eliminate ".
    Shawky said that "the legislative term of the House of Representatives, will see the adoption of many important laws pertaining to the citizens or the state in general."
    The cabinet voted in the February 3, 2015, the draft accountability and justice and the prohibition of the Baath Party Act.

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