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    Biden spoken to al-Abadi and confirmed his country's support for Iraq conference international coali

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    Biden spoken to al-Abadi and confirmed his country's support for Iraq conference international coali Empty Biden spoken to al-Abadi and confirmed his country's support for Iraq conference international coali

    Post by Rocky Wed 06 Jul 2016, 6:24 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
     [size=13]Since 07.06.2016 at 10:08 (Baghdad time)[/size]
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    Baghdad balances News
    Received Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, a telephone call from US Vice President Joe Biden, said the latter on his country's support for the Iraq International Conference of the coalition countries, as offered condolences incident of terrorist attack in the Karrada district of central Baghdad.
    Ebadi's press office said in a statement received / balances News / copy of it, "the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi received, on Tuesday, a telephone call from US Vice President Joe Biden."
    According to the statement Biden made a "deep condolences for the incident heinous terrorist bombing in Karrada district," expressing "the US commitment to stand by Iraq to defeat terrorism."
    The statement added that "Biden praised the leadership courage to Ebadi, noting that the success of liberating the land plans," noting that "the US Vice-President stressed the determination to continue the effort, especially in the liberation of Mosul, as well as the readiness of the United States to support Iraq."
    The Biden "strongly support Iraq at a conference of the international coalition countries to be held in Washington in the atheist and the twentieth of this month, in support of restoring stability in the liberated areas of operations, and to respond to the needs of humanity."
    For his part, al-Abadi confirmed, according to the statement that "the terrorists who commit heinous crimes against innocent civilians whenever they defeated on the battlefield at the hands of our fighters heroes."
    He added, "and that what he has the terrorists in their criminal operations in Iraq, Syria and Europe, America, Istanbul and Medina and others emphasize their approach aggressive" .anthy 29 / A 43

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    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Biden spoken to al-Abadi and confirmed his country's support for Iraq conference international coali Empty Re: Biden spoken to al-Abadi and confirmed his country's support for Iraq conference international coali

    Post by Screwball Wed 06 Jul 2016, 8:09 pm

    Hmmmm interesting conference! Hopefully planned rv same time! Must expect Mosul to be liberated by then!

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