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    Iraq opens projects to invest associated gas fields in Maysan

    Admin Assist
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    Iraq opens projects to invest associated gas fields in Maysan Empty Iraq opens projects to invest associated gas fields in Maysan

    Post by Rocky Sun 14 Aug 2016, 6:27 am

    Iraq opens projects to invest associated gas fields in Maysan

    Sunday 14-08-2016 | 1:50:44

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    Twilight News / Iraqi Oil Ministry on Sunday opened three projects contribute to the reduction of gas flaring associated with operations in Bazerkan fields and Abu West and loose change within the oil fields of Missan Oil Company.
    A senior agent of the Ministry Fayad Hassan Nima, in a statement, the ministry responded to the Twilight News, said that this project is a real beginning to invest associated in the province of Maysan and gas lies the importance of these projects, which opened today, is to provide new supplies of gas to supplement the power plants as well as reduce pollution environmental.
    He said the ministry began the day Bhkulai Bazerkan and loose change, and will include at a later time all the oil fields in the province, which is one of the most promising provinces in gas production.
    For his part, Director General of Oil Company Maysan Adnan Nochi he was opening the gas sweetening project capacity of 35 million cubic feet a record in Bazerkan field and project product gas treatment fields Abu West and loose change up to 70 million standard cubic feet along with the accompanying oil operations in Bazerkan the field of water treatment project , as was the opening of the administrative building, created by the company (CNOOC) for the staff of the run Maysan fields, which includes more than 400 employees work for the Office of the Commission.
    He said the projects that have been opened will work to reduce the operations associated with oil production, gas flaring and thus will address the environmental bottlenecks in the oil fields areas.
    He pointed out that these projects is the first step to reduce the burning of associated gas through its investment company and is working to direct other similar projects in the Halfaya field, which will provide additional quantities of gas production could reach 250 million standard cubic feet.
    For his part, he said ministry spokesman Assem Jihad said the ministry has completed the task of development projects to invest in associated gas fields, Bazargan and loose change, and Abu western oil in Maysan province.
    He said Jihad said the project is part of the ministry's plan and seeks to increase gas production through the development and rehabilitation of crude oil production plants that contribute to reduce waste in the burning of associated gas.
    He pointed out that these projects will provide fuel gas quantity of 10 million standard cubic feet per day to run a gas generating units in Bazargan field capacity of 60 MW of electric power to supplement the national grid, and this amount is expected to increase for the operation of other units in the same energy.

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