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    Cancel four-party alliance without prior notice to the Government of Abadi

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Cancel four-party alliance without prior notice to the Government of Abadi Empty Cancel four-party alliance without prior notice to the Government of Abadi

    Post by Rocky Fri 16 Sep 2016, 2:47 am

    [ltr]Cancel four-party alliance without prior notice to the Government of Abadi[/ltr]

     Since 15/09/2016 21:50 pm (Baghdad time)
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    [ltr]Follow-up scales News 
    Press reports and media leaks suggest the abolition of the so-called quartet alliance, which was announced in September 2015 between Russia, Iraq, Iran and the Syrian regime. Cancel coalition came after he left last three Russians Baghdad advisers middle of last August, and without one of them back, or that there should be coordination between the four states with regard to the Iraqi arena, as planned, according to ministers and officials to Arab newspapers remarks. 
    This alliance was announced on 28 September 2015, and started work effectively on 26 October of the same year, after the arrival of military delegations of Russian and Iranian and the other belonging to the Syrian regime to Baghdad, and the announcement of what was known later as the "Baghdad common room." 
    It was agreed to establish my information center to coordinate the fight against Daesh operations includes representatives from the four countries. In spite of that advertising spending that holds each of the four coalition presidency every three months, and it since birth he did not announce the second state, and the presidency of the coalition remained confined to the first state which is Iraq. Informed and responsible sources said that the Baghdad headquarters of the special room in this coalition in Muthanna military airport in exchange Zawraa park in central Baghdad empty for months. 
    Politicians believe that Moscow abandon the coalition and return to communicate with Baghdad to traditional diplomatic frameworks and across the Russian military attache at the embassy in Baghdad is due to the understandings American Russian precedent and the unwillingness of Washington to enter the Moscow arena of Iraq from the outset, as well as the rejection of Sunni and Kurdish forces deal with this Alliance and attacked him and accused him Btaivi. 
    As for the Iranians to understand are present alliance or without him directly, while the representatives of the Syrian regime. Since the beginning, the presence nominally no more, thus reducing the importance of this alliance, which is by virtue of the Dead Although Iraq held it high hopes, where Haider al-Abadi he welcomed in October 2015, under the guidance Russia's air strikes to "Daesh" in Iraq, but the US seems to be extremely disturbed by this alliance did and did cause before the end of the coalition to achieve the goals announced by the time of the announcement. 
    is over 
    M h n[/ltr]

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