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    Rebellion within the block call embarrass Maliki fudging positions reform front

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    Rebellion within the block call embarrass Maliki fudging positions reform front Empty Rebellion within the block call embarrass Maliki fudging positions reform front

    Post by Rocky Thu 27 Oct 2016, 3:05 am

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    Rebellion within the block call embarrass Maliki fudging positions reform front

     Baghdad / long-Presse 

    He denied advocating parliamentary bloc, yesterday, officially nothing to do with her or any of its members , including so- called "reform front", stressing that the latter do not represent a "political bloc" As far as being agathering of a group of wills, and that its work "finished" the government amendment. And confirmed the call mass adherence to party positions and orientations, and rejected everything that intersects with it. Confirms parliamentary informed sources said the move put the solution to exploit the head of state law for some parliamentary blocs and figures to return to the scene again, and monopolize the decisions away from the Dawa party and parliamentary bloc , which is witnessing a split internally because of it. 
    According to sources from within the call block the resentment within the bloc began transcend after the al -Maliki , the confiscation of mass opinion in decision - making and deal - making. 
    I got ( the long - Presse) on the position of MP Ali al - Adeeb , a memorandum, head of a coalition of State oflaw bloc parliamentary addressed to House Speaker Salim al - Jubouri, appended signatures of 24 deputies representing the call block. 
    under the memorandum, the MPs call for mass declare their compliance with the directives of the party in regard to the political attitudes and legislation put forward in the Council and the decisions taken, and deny links to the positions of the reform front. 
    the list of House signatories to demand both (Ali al - Adeeb, Taleb al - Jaafari, on the Keywords, Amer al -Khuzai, Sadiq al - Rikabi, Abbas al - Bayati, Raad diamonds, Allekeah comprehensive, Radi Abu Hasna, Jassim Mohammed Jaafar, Jabbar al - Abadi, Iqbal Abdul Hussein, Ali Faisal al - Fayad, Jawad al - Bolani, flowers Turaihi, Nazim al - Saadi, Fadel Kanani, Haider Mawla, Mahmoud Hassan, Huda Sajjad Zainab Basri, Ahmed Kanani, Nada Sudanese, buxom Hamid gesture.) 
    and formed " the reform front" of deputies belong several political blocks, in the wake of differences witnessed by the House of Representatives and claim a group of its members sacked boss Saleem al -Jubouri, against the backdrop of the worsening mobility and public demands for reform, in April 2016, but theFederal Court settled the matter in June 2016, in favor of keeping the situation as it is, he decided front members continue their work and seek to form " the largest parliamentary bloc , " but stuck to a lot of MPs, including members of a coalition of state law and the Dawa Party, the original Bactlhm weaker role of thefront. 
    he says MP Jassim Mohammed Jaafar, leader of the Dawa bloc, said that " the reform front over theformation of the new government , " stressing that " the formation of the front was to conduct a reshuffle or mass switch to the government and when you can not therefore become role secondary. " 
    He added Djaverwa interview (long - Presse)," the deputies parliamentary call the 54 block may marching with the reform front in some situations or intersect with the other , "adding that" call block is the largest in the House of Representatives can not be positions belonging to others. " 
    He continues , leader of the Dawa party , said" a group of deputies from the reform front working on according to certain foundations may not necessarily consistent with the call and direction of mass attitudes ,"and accused some of them of being" turned the front to the political bloc its official spokesman. " 
    it says Haider - Mawla, MP from the parliamentary call block, " the note sent by a group of deputies from theparliamentary call for the President of the Council, aims to reaffirm their commitment to block decisions of theblock , " adding that " the reform front is not a political bloc but the front where I met a group of wills." He said the Lord, in an interview to the (long - Presse), " The MPs call for a block vote in the House ofRepresentatives in favor of what is compatible with their attitudes and their positions regardless of the extent of their compliance with the positions of the reform front." In turn, says MP Nazem al - Saadi, said in aninterview to the (long - Presse), " The confirmation of MPs in Parliament call block on their commitment to thepositions of mass and orientation does not mean withdrawal from the reform front Parliamentary much as exiled the rumors about the abandonment of the bloc and the party." 
    Confirms al - Saadi, that " note filed for House Speaker demonstrate adherence to the signatories of theDawa party and the adoption of the reformist attitudes that the evolution of the political process, and their determination to stand with any decision to approve the rules of procedure of the House of Representatives and the public interest. "

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