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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Vice-law: We are waiting for a new elections law highlights our cross-sectarian political blocs

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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     Vice-law: We are waiting for a new elections law highlights our cross-sectarian political blocs Empty Vice-law: We are waiting for a new elections law highlights our cross-sectarian political blocs

    Post by Rocky Thu 16 Feb 2017, 3:35 am

    [size=30]Vice-law: We are waiting for a new elections law highlights our cross-sectarian political blocs[/size]
    16/02/2017 12:10 | Number of Views: 144
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    Direction Press / special
    MP for the rule of law Hisham al-Suhail said, Thursday, that everyone is waiting for the new election law so that a new political blocks fleeting highlights our sectarianism.
    He said al-Suhail said in an interview for "direction Press" that the new election law when McCann fair and just Sievers us a new political blocs cross-sectarian and contain different components rather than a single component is different from what it is throughout the previous period and paves the way for the emergence of national figures and is not entrenched sectarian.
    Suhail said that the Iraqi people have become well aware that most of the political bickering and miscarriage between the blocks are just election propaganda began early, stressing that these media Alzubat no longer fool the people again and became everyone knows where it is headed compass in general.
    And between Suhail said the Electoral Commission is testament to the propaganda of the political blocs and Tmhidem upcoming elections where he became their top concern comes in the context of political one-upmanship and access to power.
    It predicted the MP for the coalition of state law Ibtisam al-Hilali, on Thursday, that being the sacking of the election commission after the interrogation process by the House of Representatives planned to take place over the next week.
    Hilali In an interview with "direction Press," said the interrogation process of the Commission decide to go out before for events of Tahrir Square last Saturday, based on a request made by one of the House of Representatives, expected to take place dismiss Commission unanimously to the presence of several violations by all Commissioners.
    She added: Parliament next week will determine the date for the questioning of the Commission will be presented to all existing interrogations after the case has become a public mission and destiny with the proximity of the elections, which require the Commission to change the law, indicating that the parliament will discuss the electoral law in the coming session.
    It is said that the prime minister, Salim al-Jubouri, confirmed the intention of parliament to choose a new Electoral Commission.
    Jubouri said in a press conference at the parliament building that "the work of the election commission ends next September," pointing to "the formation of a committee of experts for the selection of new members."
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