Baghdad / Iraq News Network MP from Maliki 's coalition Mansour Baaja, Thursday, that the threats of the outgoing Massoud Barzani 's just propaganda and threats of trying to blackmail through which the federal government, but these threats of secession returned did not work. The MP said Baaja in a press statement today: " The Massoud Barzani was a serious and has a shred of credibility Vlieln separation from the center and that leaves the media statements issued from time to time with the certainty not to its ability to achieve the separation, and that all it sought to do from behind those media statements blackmail the federal government. " He Baaja, said that "Barzani did not stock and has authority over the Kurdistan region after the end of its mandate and failed to achieve the demands of the Kurdish people and the acquisition of the provincial government illegal on imports of the region from the source of oil outside the scope of the Constitution , " explaining that " the Kurdish people realized that the suffering of the poor in living conditions and stop paying salaries to employees and disrupting life was due to the actions of Barzani dictatorship. " Baaja explained that "Massoud Barzani , has sought to impose its will and control illegal on all aspects of governance in the region in ways that blatant began to disrupt the Parliament of the region and the anti - Kurdish parties and fight and prevent its members from performing the constitutional and jobs within the region." He pointed Baaja that "Massoud Whenever felt with increase of the anger of the Kurdish masses and shake his authority and frequent opponents resorted to repeat his call for secession in order to calm the Kurdish street, so these calls have become clearly visible and on the government to take a firm and clear attitude toward the actions and attitudes of Barzani and not to remain silent in front of excesses on Federal power and held suspicious transactions and agreements with the countries of seeking to divide Iraq and most notably Turkey. Also, the prime minister put forward a candidate for the Ministry of Finance as soon as possible even if it does not the Democratic Party, led by Barzani , a candidate for the job. "