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    US declares respect for refugee agreement with Australia

    Admin Assist
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    US declares respect for refugee agreement with Australia Empty US declares respect for refugee agreement with Australia

    Post by Rocky Sat 22 Apr 2017, 8:47 am

    US declares respect for refugee agreement with Australia

    Arab and international  Since 2017-04-22 at 16:09 (Baghdad time)

    Follow up - Mawazine News

    US Vice President Mike Pens said on Saturday that the United States would respect the controversial refugee agreement with Australia, under which Washington would repatriate 1,250 asylum seekers.

    US President Donald Trump has previously criticized the deal.

    Speaking at a joint press conference with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in Sydney, Bens said the agreement would be examined and that respect for the agreement "does not mean we like it."

    Bens said the US aircraft carrier Carl Vinson, headed for waters off the Korean peninsula, would be in the Sea of ​​Japan within days.

    He said Washington believed there was a possibility of peaceful denuclearization of the Korean peninsula because of Trump's involvement with China.

    is over
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    US declares respect for refugee agreement with Australia Empty The United States undertake to respect refugees with Australia agreement

    Post by Rocky Sat 22 Apr 2017, 9:14 am

    The United States undertake to respect refugees with Australia agreement

    History of edits:: 2017/4/22

    {International: Euphrates News} US Vice President Mike Pence said on Saturday the United States will respect the controversial refugee agreement with Australia under which Washington would resettle 1250 asylum seekers.
    US President Donald Trump has criticized the agreement in the past.
    A penny at a joint news conference with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in Sydney that the agreement will be subject to examination and that respect the agreement "does not mean that we like."
    Penny explained that the US aircraft carrier Carl Vinson group heading to the waters off the Korean peninsula will be in the Sea of Japan within days .
    he said that Washington believes that there is a possibility to make the Korean peninsula free of nuclear weapons peacefully because of Trump 's involvement with the management Chin.anthy
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    US declares respect for refugee agreement with Australia Empty Resettlement of 1250 Arab and Africa, in America, despite the resentment of Trump

    Post by Rocky Sat 22 Apr 2017, 9:31 am

    Resettlement of 1250 Arab and Africa, in America, despite the resentment of Trump

    He announced that US Vice President Mike Pence, that the United States will respect the refugees with Australia agreement, although the president described him as "stupid", because it imposes on Washington's resettlement of 1,250 people.
    US President Donald Trump has strongly criticized during his campaign and after assuming his powers last January agreement reached by his predecessor, Barack Obama with Australia.
    Therefore, Pines said at a joint news conference with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in Sydney Saturday that the agreement will be subject to examination and that respect "does not mean that we like."
    The strained relations between the United States and Australia on 2 February after a phone call was characterized by sharp between Trump and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull described the first two countries, an agreement on the resettlement of refugees as "a stupid deal."
    It is assumed under the agreement that the United States receives up to 1250 asylum seekers from the Arabs and Africans who live in shelter centers in Nauru and Manos Australia. In contrast, the last will receive refugees from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras in their stead.
    On the other hand, Pines said that Washington believes that there is a possibility to make the Korean peninsula free of nuclear weapons peacefully, because of President Donald Trump's management involvement in a good relationship with China after the visit of its president to Washington two weeks ago, however, confirmed the US Vice-President, that group US aircraft carrier "Carl Vinson" heading to the shores of the Korean Peninsula will be in the Sea of ​​Japan within days.
    Admin Assist
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    Posts : 277821
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    US declares respect for refugee agreement with Australia Empty Despite criticism of Trump's decision ..omrica resettlement endemicity 1250 Arab and Africa

    Post by Rocky Sat 22 Apr 2017, 10:06 am

    Despite criticism of Trump's decision ..omrica resettlement endemicity 1250 Arab and Africa

    He announced that US Vice President Mike Pence, that the United States will respect the refugees with Australia agreement, despite the description of the president has B'ghaba ', because it imposes on Washington resettlement of 1,250 people

    and US President Donald Trump has strongly criticized during his campaign and after assuming his powers in January / December the second last agreement reached by his predecessor , Barack Obama with Australia.

    Therefore , Pines said at a joint news conference with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in Sydney Saturday that the agreement will be subject to examination and that respect 'does not mean that we like.'

    The strained relations between the United States and Australia on February 2 after a last phone call was characterized by sharp between Trump and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull described the first two countries , an agreement on the resettlement of refugees as a 'stupid agreement'.

    It is assumed under the agreement that the United States receives up to 1250 asylum seekers from the Arabs and Africans who live in shelter centers in Nauru and Manos Australia. In contrast , the last will receive refugees from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras in their stead.

    On the other hand, Pines said that Washington believes that there is a possibility to make the Korean peninsula free of nuclear weapons peacefully, because of President Donald Trump 's management involvement in a good relationship with China after the visit of its president to Washington two weeks ago, however, confirmed the US Vice - President, that group US aircraft carrier 'Carl Vinson' heading to the Korean Peninsula will be in the shores of the Sea of Japan within days.

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    US declares respect for refugee agreement with Australia Empty Re: US declares respect for refugee agreement with Australia

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