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    Communications: political party insists on owning the fiber-optic network

    Admin Assist
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    Communications: political party insists on owning the fiber-optic network  Empty Communications: political party insists on owning the fiber-optic network

    Post by Rocky Sat 24 Aug 2013, 8:06 am

    Communications: political party insists on owning the fiber-optic network


    BAGHDAD / JD / .. revealed Advisor Ministry of Communications for Technical Affairs Hiam Yasiri that there is a point of particular political insists that the fiber network in her hand, knowing that there is a security issue as the entity which owns and operates a network fiber have her own security communications and you can control it.
    said Yasiri told the reporter / JD / Valuation of experts in a number of workshops and workshops held with the World Bank and the U.S. Embassy within the strategic framework agreement, assessed that Iraq's security in communications is currently still in its infancy, as we did not get to far to the ranks of countries in the world that has develop communications strategies, and in this case can not do deliver this network to the private sector and risk the security of communications.
    confirmed that there are certain companies which operate as tools for that side of political are adamant and stir those the political owning a fiber optic network parallel to the government network, suggesting that the answer to this Thread is either that these companies want to control the security of the communication, or it wants to control the country's economy in the center and south because these networks is a treasure and supplier second to support the budget of Iraq after the oil sector.
    alerted that the solution to this issue lies in the one-line Telecommunications Law The information presented for legislation in Parliament after his arrival from the government since the nearly six years, which is still in the corridors of Parliament so far, as it has been read twice and was installed on the agenda several times and then withdrawn under pressure from that side of political order this issue specifically, after it was agreed to all the points in the law, including the intersection of powers between the media and the Ministry of Communications Recalling the law (that fiber optic remains, however, the state).
    indicated that he got several options after the agreement of the members of the Commission services and reconstruction on the descent of three formats to vote on that paragraph, first he kept those fiber However, the state and the second says leave now and re-examined the subject by communications policy and the third that demanded by this party that remains, however, the private sector, calling to ask the three options and the people's representatives are chosen paragraph appropriate communications policy in the country, prompting those side that you disable legislation law being a minority and they know that these options if revealed, it will not be voting on which option they want questioning you accept representatives of the people that stumbles the telecommunications sector in the country due to lack of enactment of this Act for more than six years to the desire of political party concerned disabled?, and such It is incorrect and unjust to the people who hand-picked as his representitives

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