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    NATO sends 3,000 extra troops to Afghanistan

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    NATO sends 3,000 extra troops to Afghanistan Empty NATO sends 3,000 extra troops to Afghanistan

    Post by Rocky Wed 08 Nov 2017, 3:27 am

    NATO sends 3,000 extra troops to Afghanistan

    23:18 - 07/11/2017

    NATO sends 3,000 extra troops to Afghanistan %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%AA%D9%88
    Information / follow-up ...
    NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on Tuesday announced NATO's decision to reinforce its troops stationed in Afghanistan with 3,000 troops, bringing the total to 16,000.
    In a news conference at NATO headquarters in Brussels, the Secretary General of the Alliance said the number of troops would be 16,000. Their activities would focus mainly on training, especially Afghan special forces, and help the Afghan army develop its air force and training in military schools.
    He pointed out that the force of "firm support", the designation of the NATO mission in Afghanistan, "will not return to combat operations," which was in before the year 2015.
    Kay Bailey Hutchison, the new US ambassador to NATO, announced early last month that her country had asked its NATO allies to send "about one thousand" additional troops to Afghanistan, where the United States strengthens its military deployment.
    The US military presence in Afghanistan, based on a new strategy, was announced by Washington in August after an assessment of the situation in the field, in light of the Taliban's return to control about 40% of Afghan territory. The United States has sent Special Forces troops to support Afghan soldiers in the face of the Taliban, operating outside the NATO mission.
    The decision to increase the NATO troop count in Afghanistan is expected to be formally made on Thursday, the second day of a meeting of defense ministers of the 29 NATO countries in Brussels.

      Current date/time is Thu 12 Sep 2024, 11:51 pm