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    America sends 300 extra troops, helicopters and drones to Iraq


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    America sends 300 extra troops, helicopters and drones to Iraq  Empty America sends 300 extra troops, helicopters and drones to Iraq

    Post by chouchou Tue 01 Jul 2014, 3:02 am

    Shafaq News / The Pentagon said that the United States is stepping up its military presence in Iraq once again to send about 300 more troops there as well as helicopters and drones


    At the time speculation arises ,Will President Barack Obama authorize directing U.S. air strikes , a U.S. military official said that these moves are focused on the protection of the Americans in Iraq, including civilians

    The official, who asked not to be named said according to the report published by Reuters , seen by "Shafaq News", that "this is not to (prepare) for the air strikes

    The spokesman of the Pentagon , Admiral John Kirby said that about 200 troops have arrived on Sunday to Iraq to bolster security at the U.S. Embassy and its facilities and support Baghdad International Airport. It is scheduled to send 100 more troops to Baghdad "to provide security and logistical support

    The official said, "I think that there is an appropriate amount of attention on the airport and pointed out that the airport is a vital center of transformation.”

    The Pentagon said that it will send a small number of helicopters and drones to Iraq

    This comes in addition to 300 advisers in which Obama ordered to send them to Iraq to take charge of the establishment of two joint operations. They will also assess how the United States can provide additional support. There are already 180 of these advisers in Iraq

    A U.S. official who asked not to be named, said the United States is also considering the establishment of a new center for the joint military operations in the northwestern of Kurdistan region

    The official said that a final decision had not been taken in this regard, but the center of the new processes will be the second of its kind held by the United States since the deterioration of the security situation in Iraq earlier this month, which could be based in Dohuk province in the far north of Iraq, near Syria and Turkey

    The U.S. soldiers have similar joint operations center in Baghdad collect  information about the situation on the ground and oversee the American soldiers who are evaluating the capabilities of the Iraqi army in the field.
    It was not immediately clear whether U.S. soldiers in joint operations center will work primarily with new Kurdish Peshmerga forces that protect the long-standing Kurdish enclave or whether they will cooperate with the forces of the Iraqi army under the command of Baghdad.

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    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    America sends 300 extra troops, helicopters and drones to Iraq  Empty US deploys 200 additional troops in Baghdad

    Post by chouchou Tue 01 Jul 2014, 3:05 am

    U.S. President Barack Obama orders the deployment of 200 extra troops in Baghdad to protect the U.S. Embassy and international airport

    The U.S. military has deployed a further 200 troops to reinforce security in Baghdad, it was disclosed Monday.

    In a letter to Congress, President Barack Obama said the purpose of the deployment was to reinforce security of at the American embassy, its support facilities and Baghdad International Airport.

    The extra personnel were reportedly deployed in Iraq Sunday and Monday.

    In his letter, Obama said the combat-ready troops would remain in Iraq as long as they are needed.
    The U.S. Department of Defense said a detachment of helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles, known as drones, would bolster the U.S. military presence.

    "The presence of these additional forces will help enable the embassy to continue its critical diplomatic mission and work with Iraq on challenges they are facing as they confront militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant," said the Pentagon statement.

    On June 16, 275 troops were deployed to the region and are providing security and logistics support in Baghdad.

    These forces are separate to the 300 soldiers sent to advise Iraq's security forces as they confront the threat posed by militant forces since they launched attacks in northern Iraq in early June.

    The latest additions bring the number of U.S. troops recently deployed to Iraq to 775.

    Obama withdrew U.S. forces in Iraq in 2011.

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