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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Committee reveals the most prominent changes in the law of parliamentary elections

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277497
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary Committee reveals the most prominent changes in the law of parliamentary elections Empty Parliamentary Committee reveals the most prominent changes in the law of parliamentary elections

    Post by Rocky Tue 02 Jan 2018, 3:45 am

    Parliamentary Committee reveals the most prominent changes in the law of parliamentary elections

    09:25 - 02/01/20180

    The most important changes are to force the candidate to give up foreign nationality, reduce the age of the candidate, raise the certificate and adjust the distribution of the electoral vote, the committee of the regions and governorates revealed on Tuesday the most prominent changes to be made by the political blocs in the elections law.

    "The proposal of the parliamentary elections law will raise the certificate of the candidate from junior high to university degree, as well as the requirement to give up the candidate for foreign nationality and prevent any person who is dual nationality from running for elections," said Ahmad al-Badri, a member of the committee.

     Al-Badri added that "the political blocs seek to reduce the age of the candidate from 30 years to 25 to enable the young people to exercise political action as well as to adjust the electoral percentage of the political blocs."

    Al-Badri said that "the political differences on the adoption of the law few compared to the law of local elections, which means the possibility of passing after the legislative holiday directly." Ending / 25 d

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