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    the minister of interior directs to prepare an electronic application to complete transactions

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    the minister of interior directs to prepare an electronic application to complete transactions Empty the minister of interior directs to prepare an electronic application to complete transactions

    Post by Rocky Mon 04 May 2020, 10:05 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [size=40]the minister of interior directs to prepare an electronic application to complete transactions
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] On 4/5/2020 - 4:40 PM  17[/size]
    Al-Ahed News: Baghdad
    The Minister of the Interior, Yassin Taher Al-Yasiri, commented today, Monday, on the incident of an attack on a traffic man in Al-Diwaniyah Governorate, while stressing that it was an attack on the state and violated the law and cannot be tolerated, he said.
    In a statement, Al-Ahed News received a copy of it, the media office of Al-Yasiri stated that “The Minister of Interior visited today the headquarters of the General Traffic Directorate, met the general manager and a number of officers and associates, and offered congratulations and blessings to traffic officers on the occasion of the forty-sixth annual holiday of Traffic Week, praising the role The great thing is by providing the necessary facilities and simplifying the procedures in order to alleviate the suffering of the citizens during their reviews of the various traffic departments.
    Al-Yasiri expressed his pride and appreciation for the efforts made by the traffic man and his role in facilitating the movement of vehicles and standing for long times on the street in various conditions and times, pointing out to the “primary role played by the traffic man in applying the law and the smooth flow of vehicles.”
    And regarding the assault on the traffic man during the performance of his duty, the Minister of the Interior said, "The attack is an attack on the state and violates the law, which is something we cannot be silent about," stressing at the same time that "the citizen must respect the traffic man and abide by the directions and instructions issued by him." ”
    According to the statement, Al-Yasiri stressed, "Dealing in full transparency with citizens during the review of the relevant departments," directed at "creating a qualitative leap in traffic work by preparing an electronic application on the mobile phone through which the citizen can submit an application to complete the treatment he desires quickly, easily and easily. ”

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