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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    An escalating migration of doctors from one of the countries towards Iraq for the purpose of work

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277658
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    An escalating migration of doctors from one of the countries towards Iraq for the purpose of work Empty An escalating migration of doctors from one of the countries towards Iraq for the purpose of work

    Post by Rocky Sat 03 Apr 2021, 8:35 am

    [size=30]An escalating migration of doctors from one of the countries towards Iraq for the purpose of work

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    Yes Iraq: Baghdad

    Russian media quoted an informed Iraqi source today, Saturday, that there is a migration of Lebanese doctors to Iraq to search for job opportunities there, after the deterioration of the economic and political conditions inside Lebanon.
    Russia today quoted the Iraqi source as saying that "recent weeks have witnessed the arrival of a number of Lebanese doctors to work there, after the deterioration of the conditions in their country."
    He added, "Some hospitals in southern and northern Iraq have witnessed the arrival of a number of Lebanese doctors to work in them, and there is information about the intention of dozens to come to Iraq in the coming days."
    Yesterday, the Lebanese Minister of Public Health, Hamad Hassan, and his Iraqi counterpart, Hassan Al-Tamimi, signed an agreement that includes oil in exchange for medical and hospital services.
    Since the explosion of the Beirut port and the deterioration of the economic situation there, the media announced that Lebanese doctors had emigrated to the Gulf, Europe and America, but some began to think of immigration to Iraq.
    Lebanon suffers from a stifling economic and financial crisis accompanied by a political and health crisis, especially after the collapse of the Lebanese pound against the US dollar
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