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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    i-News" published the text of the final statement of the Amman conference

    Admin Assist
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    i-News" published the text of the final statement of the Amman conference Empty i-News" published the text of the final statement of the Amman conference

    Post by Rocky Fri 18 Jul 2014, 7:24 am

    i-News" published the text of the final statement of the Amman conference

    In the name of God the Merciful

    «So for those who fight because they have wronged, and God the power to the victory»
    Final Statement of the Conference of Oman primer for Islamic and national forces in the rebellious provinces
    The situation in Iraq today, getting worse, and ponder if this wounded country Tertsm in front of the image of the following:
    The continuation of foreign influence in Iraq and the exacerbation of lawlessness and seize the lives of citizens, and poring in discrimination and exclusion who Tala Sunni component unjustly title, fill the prisons with hundreds of thousands of detainees, and the practice of various types of torture against them, and extrajudicial executions or through spend politicized, and the absence of the rule of law and institutions, and aggravation the phenomenon of militias, and the threat of dividing the nation and fragmentation, and the issuance of unjust laws such as the Terrorism Act and the law of accountability and justice, and the persistence of the phenomenon of corruption and looting of public money, and aggravation of the suffering of the citizens of the lack of services and basic needs and the government's failure and inability to accomplish national reconciliation.
    This picture frightening and frustrating that prompted the sons of six provinces to demonstrate and Iatsamua peacefully over the whole year, but the government has targeted sites demonstrations peaceful arms heavy, and committing massacres terrible against them, as happened in Hawija, Fallujah, Diyala, forcing them to defend themselves armed revolt.
    This conference, which includes resistance factions and personalities and Nkhba and tribal leaders and the forces of national and Islamic provinces rebellious aims to draw the attention of the international community to the suffering of Iraqis, and the need to outsource their revolution legitimacy, which aims to save Iraq and the region of the unknown future, and malate may not ominous, just as he did assign the brothers in their revolt against the Syrian regime is the one in March against the people of injustice and exclusion.
    We emphasize that this conference seeks to work in order to achieve integration in everyone's efforts, and the search for common among Iraqis,
    One of the objectives of this conference
    First, we emphasize the unity of Iraq and refused all invitations division under any pretext and indefinitely.
    Second: the attribution of the people's revolution and its demands, which began in the rebellious provinces, and achieved remarkable achievements.
    Third, and rejected the formation of the Awakening or the formation of any power under any title to fight the rebels.
    IV: The Quest for a meeting and a general national includes all Iraqis from all sects and components, to discuss the future of the new Iraq, his sons greater good, and be handed over to his family and his neighbors.
    Fifth, to seek the support and endorsement of the Arab and international levels.
    Sixth: The demand of the international community to stop the support of the current government and assume its responsibilities in the protection of detainees in Iraqi prisons and the protection of civilians who are exposed to daily shelling and targeting.
    Seventh: The demand of the international community to support the displaced families from the provinces Almentvdh.
    Eighth: consensus on holding a conference in the coming ASAP.
    In conclusion we can only thank all the gratitude to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for hosting this conference.

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