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    Iraq is the fifth largest oil-producing country in the world

    Admin Assist
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    Iraq is the fifth largest oil-producing country in the world Empty Iraq is the fifth largest oil-producing country in the world

    Post by Rocky Mon Jul 12, 2021 6:46 pm

    Iraq is the fifth largest oil-producing country in the world

    •  Time: 07/12/2021 11:38:18
    •  Reading: 234 times

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    {Economic: Al Furat News} A recent report issued by the British oil company BP for the month of July 2021, on the largest oil countries in the world (the most productive) during 2020, indicated that Iraq came fifth among these countries.
    The useful summary.. In important news, you can find it in the Euphrates News channel on the telegram.. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    The report indicated that the United States came first as the largest producer of crude oil and condensate, with a production of 16.476 million barrels per day in 2020, and the United States maintained the lead despite a 3.5% decrease in its production from 2019.
    And the shale oil boom in the United States contributed to boosting US crude production to exceed 16 million barrels per day, after it was 7.6 million barrels per day in 2010, according to BP data.
    He added that Saudi Arabia came second, with a total production of 11.039 million barrels per day of oil last year, which was 6.7% lower than the levels of the previous year.
    Over the past decade, oil production has ranged from less than 10 million barrels per day to levels above 12 million barrels per day.
    He pointed out that Russia came third on the list, as Russia's total production of crude oil and condensate last year amounted to 10.667 million barrels per day.
    This came after a strong decline in Russia's oil production during the pandemic year, falling by 8.7% from 2019 levels, which amounted to 11.679 million barrels per day.
    The report indicated that Canada came fourth, with production of (5.135 million barrels per day), followed by Iraq, with production of (4.114) million barrels per day, and then China came sixth (3.901) million barrels per day, the UAE seventh, with production (3.657) million barrels per day, and Iran eighth, with production (3.084). ) million barrels per day, Brazil ninth, with production (3.026) million barrels per day, and Kuwait tenth, with production of (2.686) million barrels per day.
    The report indicated that Saudi Arabia remains the first in the Middle East without a competitor, and then Iraq comes, followed by the UAE, according to BP estimates issued in July 2021.
    In Europe, Norway tops the list with 2.001 million barrels per day of crude oil and condensate production in 2020, followed by the United Kingdom and Italy.
    Among North American countries, the United States leads, while Brazil tops the list for countries in the Central and South American region.
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