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    Iraq moves to resume commercial traffic with Qatar after stopping due to Corona

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Iraq moves to resume commercial traffic with Qatar after stopping due to Corona Empty Iraq moves to resume commercial traffic with Qatar after stopping due to Corona

    Post by Rocky Wed 08 Sep 2021, 7:16 am

     Iraq moves to resume commercial traffic with Qatar after stopping due to Corona

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    Iraq's ambassador to the State of Qatar, Omar Al-Barzanji, said, on Wednesday, that his country seeks to resume commercial traffic with the State of Qatar after it declined to a significant level due to the outbreak of the Corona virus.
    Al-Barzanji said in a joint press conference held with the head of the Kurdistan Region Importers and Exporters Union, Mustafa Sheikh Abdul Rahman in Sulaymaniyah, that the outbreak of the Corona virus has obstructed the process of exporting goods and merchandise from the Kurdistan Region and Iraq to the State of Qatar, and we are making efforts to return it as it was.
    The ambassador called on the Federation of Exporters and Importers of the Region to coordinate with the federal government in commercial activities with Qatar, for the existence of a joint committee between the two countries.
    Al-Barzanji also stressed that Qatar needs all agricultural crops produced by Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, because the market of this country is limited to abroad in obtaining these products.
    The Iraqi ambassador also mentioned that Iraq and the region have the ability to meet Qatar's need for agricultural products, indicating that the country operates 8 flights per day to the State of Qatar, but not all goods can be exported by air because it will be expensive, so other ways should be found, including the sea.
    He also indicated that the volume of trade exchange between Qatar and Iraq during the past few years amounted to 226 million Qatari riyals, and in 2018 it rose to 72 million dollars, adding that due to the outbreak of the Corona epidemic, unfortunately, the trade movement between the two countries stopped and should be resumed again.
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