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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Planning sets a plan for the employment of graduates in the public and private sectors

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Planning sets a plan for the employment of graduates in the public and private sectors Empty Planning sets a plan for the employment of graduates in the public and private sectors

    Post by Rocky Wed 01 Dec 2021, 6:24 am

    Planning sets a plan for the employment of graduates in the public and private sectors

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    The Ministry of Planning announced, on Wednesday, the development of a plan to employ graduates from universities, while indicating the establishment of a board of directors for the development of the private sector.
    Ministry spokesman Abdul-Zahra Al-Hindawi said, "Iraqi universities and institutes graduate 200,000 people annually, as these enter the labor market in addition to non-graduates who have reached the age of 18," according to "Aware".
    He added, "These percentages are not small, with the governmental body swelling, the state institutions have become crowded with the number of employees to the extent that salaries and wages have taken the largest proportion of the annual budget, which reaches 75%, which affected the expense of the development, investment and projects side." .
    He added, "The ideal solution, according to our plan that we are working on now, is to achieve a real partnership in providing jobs with the private sector, and this partnership should meet conditions, including providing an appropriate environment, reviewing previous laws and providing an environment for the private sector," noting that " The ministry has begun to create a strategic vision for the development of the private sector in Iraq and to achieve partnership through the establishment of a board of directors and private sector development.
    He continued, "This council was recently established in a transitional phase headed by the Minister of Planning and the membership of representatives of the private sector and relevant government agencies, and which works for a year to provide the ground and work contexts, after which a permanent council is selected through elections or any other mechanism."
    He explained, "This council will have a major role in leading the private sector to reach the principle of true partnership, and for the private sector to have precedence in managing development in Iraq because all stable countries depend heavily on this sector."
    Al-Hindawi stressed, "The government's task is to develop plans and laws and follow them up," noting that "the implementation falls on the shoulders of the private sector, which we believe has the ability to generate job opportunities with guarantees for them."
    Al-Hindawi stated, "The search for jobs in the government sector will change with the existence of this system of work with sure guarantees."
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