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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    An agreement with Saudi Arabia and money from food security for the cultivation of olives and eucaly

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    An agreement with Saudi Arabia and money from food security for the cultivation of olives and eucaly Empty An agreement with Saudi Arabia and money from food security for the cultivation of olives and eucaly

    Post by Rocky Thu 30 Jun 2022, 2:43 pm

    [size=30]An agreement with Saudi Arabia and money from food security for the cultivation of olives and eucalyptus in Iraq

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    Yes Iraq: Baghdad

    Today, Thursday, the Ministry of Agriculture revealed “modest” projects related to improving the environment in Iraq, funded by the Food Security Law and an agreement with Saudi Arabia, where it was limited to the cultivation of olive and eucalyptus trees.
    Projects and plans to expand agricultural and green areas and confront the increasing dust, within Qifima, which announced that Iraq had joined a Saudi initiative to confront climate change.
    The Undersecretary of the Ministry, Mahdi Sahar, said, "The climatic changes that the world witnessed, especially after the rise in temperatures and the lack of rain, as well as the lack and decrease of water revenues for Iraq from neighboring countries, were generally reflected on the environmental situation during the recent periods that witnessed an increase in dust in several countries, including Iraq." .
    Sahar added, "For these reasons, there was interest in expanding the agricultural area and expanding the green area in Iraq and neighboring countries, in addition to launching initiatives from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including the Green Saudi Initiative and the Green Middle East, to which Iraq joined in coordination between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Water Resources as it manages resources water in Iraq.
    And he stated, "There are several projects within this initiative and several other projects funded by the Emergency Food Security Support Law, including the stabilization of sand dunes, the Hammad Basin project, the development of olive cultivation, the development and improvement of forests and eucalyptus cultivation, as well as the development of natural pastures, desert oases and the green belt."
    He added, "This initiative will be reflected in the environment in Iraq, reduce temperatures and increase the green area," noting that it "relies on drip and sprinkler irrigation in these projects to rationalize water and optimize its use, especially groundwater, as it is a resource for all generations."
    He noted that "the upcoming projects, if their financial allocations are launched, will have a positive impact on the environment in Iraq."
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