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    Iraq is asking the United States to help it reform its banking and monetary system

    Admin Assist
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    Iraq is asking the United States to help it reform its banking and monetary system Empty Iraq is asking the United States to help it reform its banking and monetary system

    Post by Rocky Wed 15 Feb 2023, 2:14 pm

    [size=36][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.][/size]

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    Iraqi Foreign Ministry. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Fuad Hussein, and his accompanying delegation met, in two separate meetings in the US Congressional Building, with the Chairman of the Middle East Subcommittee in the Foreign Relations Committee, Democratic Senator Christopher Murphy, and a member of the Financial Affairs Committee, Republican Senator Todd Young. The minister also met with a member of the Relations Committee Foreign Secretary Chris Van Hollen. 

    Hussein Al-Wazir presented a review of the current visit to Washington and its importance represented in opening horizons of economic cooperation with Washington and what has been achieved from the outputs of the current meetings, as the focus has been on strengthening cooperation in the field of energy, investment and trade, and US support for Iraq in building a strong economy and developing the monetary and banking system of Iraq. He expressed Iraq's gratitude for the role of the United States in building democracy in Iraq and eliminating the terrorist gangs of ISIS.
    The minister disclosed Iraq's current efforts to achieve stability in the region, adopt the principle of balance in relations with neighboring countries and the region, and establish the best relations based on preserving Iraq's interests first, as Iraq has historical relations with neighboring countries, but the basis for dealing with the existing relationship with them remains based on respect for sovereignty and non-violence. Interference in internal affairs and the independence of the Iraqi decision. 

    Minister Hussein emphasized Iraq's efforts in the field of energy, consolidating resources, and discussing ways of contracting with foreign and American companies in particular for investment opportunities available in various sectors. He also gave a summary of the Iraqi government's efforts to combat corruption and legislative procedures for enacting the oil and gas law and focusing on providing the best services to citizens. And the development of the energy sector and the development and reform of the banking and monetary system, stressing the urgent need for the support of the United States within this framework.

    In turn, during the meetings, the senators affirmed their welcome to Iraq's role in the region and its balanced relations with neighboring countries and the region, stressing their keenness to achieve the best relations with Iraq, noting support for Iraq's efforts with the Ministry of Treasury and other relevant parties to develop the Iraqi economy, monetary and financial policy, and the banking sector.
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    Getting It Investor
    Getting It Investor

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    Iraq is asking the United States to help it reform its banking and monetary system Empty Re: Iraq is asking the United States to help it reform its banking and monetary system

    Post by 1dinarshort Wed 15 Feb 2023, 4:43 pm

    That's not only scary but a huge mistake.  They need to say piss off were talking control

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