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    Romanowski reveals what happened between Al-Sudani and the US Secretary of Defense regarding the wit

    Admin Assist
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    Romanowski reveals what happened between Al-Sudani and the US Secretary of Defense regarding the wit Empty Romanowski reveals what happened between Al-Sudani and the US Secretary of Defense regarding the wit

    Post by Rocky Tue Jun 06, 2023 7:58 am

    Romanowski reveals what happened between Al-Sudani and the US Secretary of Defense regarding the withdrawal from Iraq

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    2023-06-06 06:52

    Shafaq News/ The US Ambassador to Iraq, Alina Romanowski, revealed the conversation that took place between the Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani, and the US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, regarding the US withdrawal from Iraq.

    This came in an interview conducted by Shafaq News Agency, which will be published at a later time.
    Romanowski said, "The Iraqi government has made an assessment that ISIS continues to pose a threat to national security, at the regional and international levels, and the United States agrees with this assessment, and the Sudanese Prime Minister made this position clear in many public speeches, especially during his meeting with the Minister of Defense." The American (Lloyd Austin) The Sudanese Prime Minister and the United States agree that the fight against ISIS terrorism is not over yet.
    She added, "Real progress cannot be achieved without security, and this means ensuring the permanent defeat of ISIS. This is an important point for those who do not follow the fight against ISIS. The Iraqi security forces are leading the fight against ISIS here in Iraq."
    Romanowski reminded that, "The international coalition and the United States are in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi government to provide advice, assistance, and enable the Iraqi security forces to ensure the permanent defeat of ISIS. We work closely in an advisory role that is compatible with developing the capabilities of the Iraqi security forces."
    And she indicated, "In light of the international coalition to defeat ISIS, the United States is committed to continuing our work with Iraq and international partners to combat ISIS financing, propaganda, and movements of foreign terrorist fighters. The US Secretary of State (Anthony Blinken) and the Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs (Fouad Hussein) will participate in the ministerial conference." to defeat ISIS in Riyadh to review progress and discuss the continuation of our partnership in the fight against terrorism.
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