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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A source in the region's finances told Baghdad Today that the date for disbursing August salaries

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    A source in the region's finances told Baghdad Today that the date for disbursing August salaries Empty A source in the region's finances told Baghdad Today that the date for disbursing August salaries

    Post by Rocky Sat 21 Oct 2023, 4:16 am

    A source in the region's finances told Baghdad Today that the date for disbursing August salaries

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    Baghdad Today - Baghdad
    Today, Friday (October 20, 2023), a source in the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Kurdistan Regional Government revealed the date for disbursing the salaries of employees in the region.
    The source told "Baghdad Today", "The Ministry of Finance is awaiting the disbursement of the amounts allocated to the region from Baghdad, amounting to 700 billion dinars."
    He added, "Rafidain Bank is scheduled to launch the first payment and place it in the regional government's account next Sunday, while the Ministry of Finance will launch a schedule of employee salaries starting next Monday, which is the schedule for salaries for last August."
    The Council of Ministers had approved, in mid-September, sending three batches to Kurdistan to pay salaries to employees in the region at a rate of 700 billion dinars for each batch, for a total of more than 2 trillion dinars.
    The regional government distributed the first batch during the current month as salaries for the month of July, while it is hoped that the salaries for the remaining months will arrive gradually until the end of the year.
    The Minister of Finance and Economy in the Kurdistan Regional Government, Awat Sheikh Janab, who visited Baghdad the day before yesterday, Wednesday, accompanied by a delegation from the Kurdistan Government, confirmed the existence of a common understanding with the federal government to address the issue of salaries of employees in the region, and keep it away from political differences.
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      Current date/time is Mon 16 Sep 2024, 8:31 pm