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    Parliamentary Finance calls for an investigation after a representative’s statements regarding monet

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    Parliamentary Finance calls for an investigation after a representative’s statements regarding monet Empty Parliamentary Finance calls for an investigation after a representative’s statements regarding monet

    Post by Rocky Sat 09 Dec 2023, 2:30 pm

    Parliamentary Finance calls for an investigation after a representative’s statements regarding monetary policy

    2023-12-09 | 15:11
    Parliamentary Finance calls for an investigation after a representative’s statements regarding monetary policy
    Alsumaria News
    On Saturday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee called on the Presidency of the House of Representatives to form an investigative committee to determine the validity and source of a representative’s statements regarding monetary policy in the country.
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    The committee said in a statement, “We followed with great astonishment and disapproval the irresponsible statements made by Representative Muhammad Nouri during his hosting on a satellite channel to talk about monetary policy in the country and the actions of the Central Bank of Iraq.”

    She added, "While we categorically deny the allegations made by Mr. Representative, as they lack credibility, accuracy, and objectivity, and indicate his lack of familiarity with the procedures and duties of the committee, we express our strong rejection of these allegations because they constitute a great abuse of the tasks and duties of the Parliamentary Finance Committee in particular and the legislative authority in general." .

    The committee's statement continued, "We call on the Presidency of the House of Representatives to form an investigative committee to determine the veracity and source of these dangerous statements, and to take deterrent legal measures against anyone who intentionally harms the reputation of the Iraqi state and its constitutional institutions."

    The committee confirmed in its statement that “everything that Mr. Representative said was untrue. Rather, he had to verify the information by communicating with his fellow representatives who regularly attend meetings, before talking about sensitive files, despite the fact that he did not have any information about them due to his constant absence from committee meetings.”

    The committee stressed that “the monetary policy of the Central Bank, especially with regard to printing currency, is subject to monetary standards and foundations, and in line with the stability of the economic situation and the level of inflation,” stressing that “our Finance Committee has a clear work program for oversight of the executive authority, which will be completed at the beginning of the semester.” "We hope that Representative Al-Nouri will commit to performing his legislative and oversight duties and tasks."

    The member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Muhammad Al-Nouri, considered, the day before yesterday, Thursday, that most of the Central Bank’s decisions are political and do not have an economic content, while he pointed out that parliamentary finance is absent and partisan.

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