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    Revealing the effects of Raisi’s death on Iranian-Iraqi relations

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Revealing the effects of Raisi’s death on Iranian-Iraqi relations Empty Revealing the effects of Raisi’s death on Iranian-Iraqi relations

    Post by Rocky Wed 22 May 2024, 4:45 am

    Revealing the effects of Raisi’s death on Iranian-Iraqi relations

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    Baghdad today - follow-up
    Today, Tuesday (May 21, 2024), “The New Arab” network revealed the consequences of the killing of Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi and his Foreign Minister Amir Abdel Hayyan on Iranian-Iraqi relations, while confirming the presence of minor “changes” during the next stage, with “bigger changes” expected during Later stages.
    The network said in a political analysis translated by “Baghdad Today” that “Iranian-Iraqi relations are multifaceted, as Iran has more than one party working on the Iraqi file due to its importance to the Iranian government,” explaining that “expectations indicate that the killing of Raisi and Abdullahian will not have a significant impact.” On Iraqi-Iranian relations during the next fifty days, its impact will be minor, including the disruption of some agreements that Raisi was supposed to sign before his death.”
    She continued, "Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi was supposed to visit Baghdad to sign a number of various agreements, the most important of which are security and trade agreements, in reference to joint field investment contracts and the gas export file to Iraq," adding, "After the election of a new Iranian president after the 50-year term... "One day, the new president may decide not to sign these agreements or change them to suit his new foreign policy."
    The network also indicated that “Iraqi-Iranian relations, despite their relative stability, are still subject to the foreign policy set by the Iranian government, which (may change) with the coming to power of a new president and foreign minister after the elections,” noting that “relations between Iran and Iraq It depends primarily on the relationship of the Iraqi political parties with Iran in the first place, followed by its relationship with the Quds Forces and finally its relationship with the Iranian government directly on the political and diplomatic levels.”
    Yesterday, Monday, the Iranian presidency and official Iranian media announced the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his accompanying delegation in a helicopter crash on the border with Azerbaijan.
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      Current date/time is Sat 22 Jun 2024, 10:26 pm