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    Revealing an "Iranian" plan to turn the popular crowd into an Iraqi "Revolutionary Guard"

    Admin Assist
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    Revealing an "Iranian" plan to turn the popular crowd into an Iraqi "Revolutionary Guard" Empty Revealing an "Iranian" plan to turn the popular crowd into an Iraqi "Revolutionary Guard"

    Post by Rocky Fri 25 Aug 2017, 2:19 am

    Revealing an "Iranian" plan to turn the popular crowd into an Iraqi "Revolutionary Guard"

    The security scene   Thursday, August 24, 2017

    The London-based Arabic newspaper Al-Arab reported Thursday that there was an "Iranian" plan to turn the popular crowd into an Iraqi Revolutionary Guard.

    The newspaper said in a report, which was seen by Sky Press, that "Iraqi circles discussed the scenario of an Iranian plan to turn the popular crowd to the Revolutionary Guard Corps in the form of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and raise the number of employees and improve the armament and upgrade structure.

    "The head of the crowd, Faleh al-Fayyad, and his deputy, Abohadi, have already worked on the plan and discussed it with Iranian experts," the newspaper quoted sources as saying.

    Fayyad said parliament and Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi demanded financial coverage of about 150,000 members of the popular crowd, while the official census of the elements of the crowd when it passed its law in November 2016 was estimated at 80,000.

    The number of the crowd exceeds the threshold of 100,000, close to half the size of the Iraqi army, something Iraqi politicians and soldiers see as a threat that would curtail the role of the Defense Ministry and make the crowd an alternative to the military.

    "The leaders of the crowd are planning to make it a basic and qualitative military force, especially as it has advanced specialized services at the level of intelligence, military engineering, medicine, communications and even at the level of specific operations and special operations, which corresponds to the anti-terrorist apparatus in terms of capabilities, In a previous statement issued by Faleh al-Fayadh. "

    A former Iraqi security official told the newspaper, asking not to be identified, that "Iran is carrying out its plan to twin the crowd with the Revolutionary Guard," describing the crowd as "the youngest son of the Revolutionary Guards, the eldest son being Hezbollah."

    "There is an Iranian plan being implemented by Shiite politicians and faction leaders close to Iran and Qasim Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force, to twinning the crowd with the Revolutionary Guard, and its initial features have begun to promote the idea of ​​similar roles played by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and crowd," he said.

    It is noteworthy that the spokesman of the crowd Ahmed al-Asadi, said earlier that Hezbollah and Iran will help the forces of the crowd in the ongoing military operation to restore Tal Afar.

    He stressed that the military advisers from the party and from Iran were always present on different fronts of war against a preacher in Iraq at the official request of the Iraqi government to provide support and consultation and participate in the development of plans, not only for the crowd, but for the Iraqi army and police as well.

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