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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Cabinet approves the customs tariff of all ports and taxes Kartat mobile and automotive met

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    Cabinet approves the customs tariff of all ports and taxes Kartat mobile and automotive met  Empty Cabinet approves the customs tariff of all ports and taxes Kartat mobile and automotive met

    Post by lonelyintexas Tue 02 Jun 2015, 7:41 am

    Cabinet approves the customs tariff of all ports and taxes Kartat mobile and automotive met
    Author: HA
    Editor: HA
    02/06/2015 13:50  
    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    The Iraqi Council of Ministers approved, on Tuesday, to meet the customs tariffs and taxes in all border crossing points to Iraq, while pointing out that this procedure will take effect early next month of August.
    The council said in a statement received (long-Presse) a copy of it, that "the Council of Ministers decided at its regular 22 for 2015 in Baghdad, to approve the fulfillment of customs tariffs in all border crossing points, without exception, as well as taxes, including taxes on Kartat mobile phone and car tax Sales ".
    The Council noted in his statement that "the practical and technical necessities, as well as securing work according to this decision is implemented starting from the first of August 2015".

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    Posts : 1858
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    Cabinet approves the customs tariff of all ports and taxes Kartat mobile and automotive met  Empty Re: Cabinet approves the customs tariff of all ports and taxes Kartat mobile and automotive met

    Post by Proven Tue 02 Jun 2015, 8:44 am

    Cabinet decides to meet tariff and taxes in all border crossing points


    The Cabinet decided, Tuesday, tariffs in all border crossing points as well as the fulfillment of tax from next August, while the Council agreed to Iraq's accession to the TIR Convention 1975.

    Information Office of the Prime Minister said in a statement, "The Council of Ministers held, today, its twenty-second routine for 2015".

    The bureau added that "the Council decided to approve the fulfillment of customs tariffs in all border crossing points, without exception, as well as taxes, including taxes on Kartat mobile phone, automotive, sales tax starting next August."

    He said that the office "that came to the necessities of process and technical In order to secure work according to it," he said, adding "the continuation of work in accordance with previous mechanisms until the said date."

    The Council agreed, according to the statement, the "accession of the Republic of Iraq to the international road transport agreement of 1975, according to the provisions of Article (80 / item VI) of the Constitution."

    Said the prime minister for economic affairs adviser appearance of Mohammed Saleh, Tuesday (December 23, 2014), that the taxes that will be imposed gradually, stressing that inflation in Iraq is universally accepted.

    The Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari said in, (December 20, the current first), that the ministry is working to reduce the budget deficit by increasing taxes and impose customs on goods entering the country fees, while the number of House of Representatives of the government called for the need to impose taxes and raise electricity and water prices and some services Other provided by the government to the citizen and gradually.

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    Interacting Investor
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    Cabinet approves the customs tariff of all ports and taxes Kartat mobile and automotive met  Empty Re: Cabinet approves the customs tariff of all ports and taxes Kartat mobile and automotive met

    Post by weslin3 Tue 02 Jun 2015, 2:23 pm

    So they need to RV before then? scratch
    Interacting Investor
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    Cabinet approves the customs tariff of all ports and taxes Kartat mobile and automotive met  Empty Re: Cabinet approves the customs tariff of all ports and taxes Kartat mobile and automotive met

    Post by Screwball Tue 02 Jun 2015, 5:00 pm

    Who the heck how's! We could be saying this every month til the end of the year!
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    Cabinet approves the customs tariff of all ports and taxes Kartat mobile and automotive met  Empty Re: Cabinet approves the customs tariff of all ports and taxes Kartat mobile and automotive met

    Post by smillenace Tue 02 Jun 2015, 9:01 pm


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    Cabinet approves the customs tariff of all ports and taxes Kartat mobile and automotive met  Empty Re: Cabinet approves the customs tariff of all ports and taxes Kartat mobile and automotive met

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