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    Iraq sues Turkey internationally for export to the North Oil Israel


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Iraq sues Turkey internationally for export to the North Oil Israel Empty Iraq sues Turkey internationally for export to the North Oil Israel

    Post by Lobo Wed 28 Oct 2015, 9:36 am

    Iraq sues Turkey internationally for export to the North Oil Israel
          Wednesday   28   October   2015 | 09:50
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    Iraq's central government has applied to the International Court of Arbitration in Paris
    Turkey will pay compensation estimated at one billion dollars in the absence of the end of the issue for the benefit of Turkey

    Iraq called on Turkey through a lawsuit filed in the International Court of Arbitration one billion dollars because of northern Iraq sold oil to Israel. And continues to sell oil in northern Iraq from Turkey to world markets increasingly, according to an official with the Turkish energy management did not want to disclose his name, the oil goes mainly to Israel. 
    And the relocation of "Turkey Day" from the same source statement that the Iraqi central government has applied to International Court of Arbitration in Paris, because the transfer of oil in northern Iraq through the oil Iraq line their own Turkey is contrary to the agreement signed between the two countries, adding that Turkey would pay compensation estimated at one billion dollars in the absence of the end of the issue for the benefit of Turkey, pointing out that to continue in the oil transfer The problem is complicated, said to be for Turkey to solve the problem of bilateral relations. 
    The Turkish Ministry of Energy and the company "Botas" contribute to transport oil pipeline did not Tjiba questions on the transfer of oil from Ceyhan and requires submission Iraq line to the judiciary. 
    The company "Botas" have been moved across Ceyhan line since 2014 until last July 81 million and 785 thousand and 960 barrels of crude oil.

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    Insane Investor
    Insane Investor

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    Iraq sues Turkey internationally for export to the North Oil Israel Empty Re: Iraq sues Turkey internationally for export to the North Oil Israel

    Post by CITEX Thu 29 Oct 2015, 1:45 pm

    If Turkey is smart they will try to settle this based on Todays oil rates....
    Either way, its nice to see Iraq getting serious about all of this, However I would think that Turkey could always say, they bought the oil and paid the Kurds for it, take it up with your own people. Who knows what all of this will shake out as.

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