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    Infallible calls to find alternatives to oil imports and an end to dependence on a rentier economy

    Admin Assist
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     Infallible calls to find alternatives to oil imports and an end to dependence on a rentier economy Empty Infallible calls to find alternatives to oil imports and an end to dependence on a rentier economy

    Post by Rocky Mon 11 Jan 2016, 9:22 am

    [size=32]Infallible calls to find alternatives to oil imports and an end to dependence on a rentier economy

    2 December / January 2016 11

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]Light News / Baghdad 

    He called on the President of the Republic Fuad Masum, on Monday, the advancement of the national economy by finding substitutes for oil imports, and an end to dependence on a rentier economy, stressing the need to pay attention to investment in industry, agriculture, tourism and housing sectors.


    A statement by the Presidency of the Republic, "Noor News" received a copy of it, that "the infallible received at the Peace Palace in Baghdad, today, Chairman of the Committee of Economy and Investment parliamentary Jawad al-Bolani, and a number of members of the Committee, stressing the importance of the development of national investment agencies, whether at the center or in the provinces, and that these bodies be departments with expertise and skills. "

    Infallible and pointed to "the need for attention to investment in industry, agriculture, tourism and housing sectors, and reflected positively on the daily life of citizens, as well as the advancement of the national economy by finding oil imports alternatives, and an end to dependence on a rentier economy once and for all."

    He stressed "the importance of attention to large investment projects, particularly in the manufacturing, agriculture and energy sectors including renewable energy," noting "the need to work to unify the movement of investment in community projects such as building schools, universities, hospitals, civil and make it conform to international standards."

    For his part, al-Bolani stressed "the importance of the presidency authentication on investment because of its Code of importance in the development of the state look towards investing in the private sector and the introduction of foreign expertise, and providing support to the international effort to help Iraq economic development of his career."

    He expressed "the determination of Iraq to provide the invitations to investors to attend the second international investment in the country, the conference, to be held next February, especially after the age of Iraq's new investment law, which meets the requirements of investors through the open broad prospects in the aspects of finance and ownership, rights and protect and encourage investors to come to the country. "

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      Current date/time is Tue 14 Jan 2025, 12:55 am