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    Zebari: a plan to freeze oil production is acceptable for Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    Zebari: a plan to freeze oil production is acceptable for Iraq Empty Zebari: a plan to freeze oil production is acceptable for Iraq

    Post by Rocky Tue 15 Mar 2016, 2:26 am

    [ltr]Zebari: a plan to freeze oil production is acceptable for Iraq[/ltr]

     Since 15/03/2016 00:53 pm (Baghdad time)
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    [ltr]Baghdad balances News 
    Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, said on Monday that Iraq is inclined to accept the global agreement to freeze oil production in order to raise crude prices. 
    The Reuters news agency quoted Zebari as saying in a telephone interview from London, where the subject of the treatment, that "the idea of ​​freezing production I think it is acceptable to all parties and even for us." 
    "Everyone is suffering from the decline in oil prices." 
    Zebari declined to discuss the idea put forward by Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak except for Iran to freeze production agreement. 
    It was Novak said, speaking from Tehran that the global agreement to freeze oil production could be signed in April, with the exception of Iran, which he said he is entitled to boost output after years of sanctions. 
    This comes at a time when the North Oil Company, which managed the Iraqi government to supply a pipeline to Turkey, which is produced with crude oil fields in Kirkuk stopped it. 
    And transmits crude pipeline to the port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean, where Kurds sell independently on the world market as well as the oil produced by their region's semi-autonomous. 
    Usually issued NOC 150 thousand barrels per day through the pipeline. 
    A company official said on condition of anonymity that a stop pumping pipeline released from the Oil Ministry in Baghdad. He added "there is no technical fault .. It is a decision of Baghdad." 
    The Kurdish Peshmerga forces took control of Kirkuk, disputed for a long time and its oil fields in June, in June 2014 after the withdrawal of Iraqi army units in the north to the advancement of the organization of the Islamic state fighters who overran the territory of the third country. 
    Since then it continued to the North Oil Company pumping crude through the pipeline, which was shut for more than three weeks. 
    The Chairman of the Committee on Oil and Gas Council Kirkuk province, Ahmad military said pumping ceased after a restart of the pipeline on Friday. 
    A source said the North Oil Company said the company continues to produce crude but store it in Kirkuk rather than exported through the pipeline. 
    is over 
    M h n[/ltr]

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