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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Citizens: Campaign {home} Manajk awareness to the community of its obligations and duties

    Admin Assist
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     Citizens: Campaign {home} Manajk awareness to the community of its obligations and duties      Empty Citizens: Campaign {home} Manajk awareness to the community of its obligations and duties

    Post by Rocky Mon 21 Mar 2016, 3:12 am



    Citizens: Campaign {home} Manajk awareness to the community of its obligations and duties



    3/21/2016 0:00 

    [rtl]  BAGHDAD - Al- Sabah 
     stressed citizens support the national campaign launched by the Iraqi Media Network (home Manajk) being aimed at educating the community obligations and duties which coincided with the worsening financial crisis experienced by the country, calling for a pause similar national media all in order to strengthen the integrative work and thus contributing to the supporting and activating the constructive ideas that serve the participation and positive citizen Ali Abdul Wahab confirmed »Sabah», said thecampaign (home Manajk) launched by the Iraqi media network, one of the campaigns being run on community awareness and mobilize energies and community competencies in order to support the active participation and positive in building state institutions on sound foundations. he noted that, according to the system in place development in all countries of the world, the payment of fees for services, taxes and customs mechanism, is a duty that requires activated in light of the deteriorating financial and economic situation and obtaining tax for services provided by the state to the citizens. campaigns purposeful , in turn, take the citizen Sattar Jabbar that every citizen in this country isresponsible and bear some of the responsibility , even to the extent easy, and therefore it can not exclude any category under the current circumstances of the repercussions of the financial crisis that has cast a shadow on the citizen dramatically. he noted that thecampaign (home Manajk) launched by the Iraqi media network, of the campaigns that have on all media to adopt similar campaigns so as to contribute to increasing theawareness of the citizen extent needed home to him and his role in its development and participation in the footsteps of its construction and reconstruction. increase national cohesion either citizenship role Nahi it called its part to solidarity is open from all segments of society with the campaign (home Manajk), which stressed the importance oftheir role in the consolidation of the principles of unity and increase national cohesion and mind Nasr worker and a breakthrough to the crises plaguing the country. She noted the importance of the role of the citizen by devoting their resources and energies behavioral and physical in the requirements phase service through the launch of ideas and opinions that contribute to cross Iraq 's financial crisis experienced by the addition to the performance of his duties and financial receivables that his trust to the state, reflecting his commitment to the sustainability of the services provided to him by thestate, stressing that all the demands of work and stand as one to cross the plight of thecountry. activate national initiatives and consistent citizen Haider Nasser with what I said Nahi, as it called on all citizens to solidarity and cohesion with the campaign (home Manajk) and screwing on the hands of the state and supporting and activating thepersonal initiatives that will save the poor and the working groups and the displaced, inaddition to the families of martyrs and according to the principle of social solidarity. he said he humane behavior and moral and patriotic to be diffusion of would contribute to strengthening the spirit of teamwork, pointing at the same time that the war on gangs «Daash» terror and the economic crisis experienced by the country resulting from thedecline in global oil prices, has left thousands of families in need of support and assistance extended a helping hand which is higher than the potential of the state now, what requires a collective solidarity stems from national and human to cross the ordeal.  [/rtl]

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