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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    IMF is expected to increase the growth of the Iraqi economy by 2.9% this year

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    IMF is expected to increase the growth of the Iraqi economy by 2.9% this year Empty IMF is expected to increase the growth of the Iraqi economy by 2.9% this year

    Post by Rocky Wed 27 Apr 2016, 5:56 am

    IMF is expected to increase the growth of the Iraqi economy by 2.9% this year

    April 27, 2016

    [size=13][size=14][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Our economy / Baghdad
    International Monetary Fund forecast on Wednesday, the high growth of the Iraqi economy, to 2.9% during the current year 2016, indicating that the costs of the war led to high inflation and deteriorating financial centers.
    The IMF said in a report seen by the agency of our economy News, " The expected rise in theoverall rate of growth in oil - exporting countries in the region to 2.9% in 2016 and this increases to up to 3.1% in 2017 compared to 1.9% in the past year as a result of non - oil economic activity in Iraq, Iran, Yemen and Libya.
    The report continued , "Despite the growth of Iraq , it will increase the deficit has as a resultof a lack of oil revenues , which will reduce the government 's ability to spend , " indicating that " the deficit will reach to about 4.75% and will reach 7.75% by the end of this year."
    The report added that " the costs of the war in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen are still high andhave caused violence in the scarcity of food and other necessities and caused damage toinfrastructure and institutions and increased inflation and weakened the savings and deteriorated financial centers of these countries."

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