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    Legal expert: Federal Court decision will restore the sacked ministers to their posts

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Legal expert: Federal Court decision will restore the sacked ministers to their posts Empty Legal expert: Federal Court decision will restore the sacked ministers to their posts

    Post by Rocky Tue 28 Jun 2016, 5:31 am

    [size=37]Legal expert: Federal Court decision will restore the sacked ministers to their posts[/size]

    BAGHDAD - A Journal
    Legal expert said that the Federal Court's decision, which was issued on Tuesday not to invoke them Bgelsta disputed parliament will restore the sacked ministers to their posts and cancel the appointment of Adnan al-Janabi, to the presidency of parliament and restore things to what it was beforehand.
    He said the legal expert Tariq Harb told (Journal News): "The court considered the parliamentary session of the 14 non-legal, non-quorum 16th completeness and canceled what happened with the vote on the new cabinet."
    The war between the court decision and the final decision is unconstitutional and can not be constitutionally adoption of the new ministers, "noting that the sacking of former prime ministers sacking illegal."
    And it held the Federal Court, on Tuesday, its look Bgelsta the House of Representatives, which were held in the month of April, and came after the court announced, in (June 13, 2016) for the postponement of consideration of a lawsuit challenged Bgelsta the House of Representatives to Tuesday, noting that the experts asked Amhalam so on the 26th of the same month to submit their report on the case to court.
    And the voice of the House of Representatives in a hearing held on 26 April to vote on the five new ministers presented by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.
    As parliament voted unanimously by those present on the invalidity of the protesters and refused to merge the ministries of Representatives sessions.
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