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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The European Union welcomes the adoption of "general amnesty" and "ban the Baath"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    The European Union welcomes the adoption of "general amnesty" and "ban the Baath" Empty The European Union welcomes the adoption of "general amnesty" and "ban the Baath"

    Post by Rocky Thu 01 Sep 2016, 3:28 am

    The European Union welcomes the adoption of "general amnesty" and "ban the Baath"

     BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    The European Union said, Wednesday, that the statutory declaration banning the Baath Party, amnesty step for "unification" of state -building, and an important stage to promote the efforts of national reconciliation. He called for additional steps to "strengthen the role of law" in Iraq through the delivery of the accountability and justice law at the "appropriate time". 
    This came during a visit by Ambassador Patrick Simonet, president of Union mission in Iraq, and theambassadors of the 28 member state EU in Baghdad, the first of the morning on Tuesday the head of the House of Representatives, Saleem al - Jubouri, to "congratulate him and lawmakers on efforts to seek the issuance of a general amnesty law, and welcomed by adopting in line with the legislative role of parliament , " according to a statement issued by the mission, Wednesday, and received a (long - Presse) a copy of it. 
    the European mission " the recent legislative developments, especially the legal ban of the Baath Party, amnesty, in the past week, according to the paper , the political agreement in 2014 and the program of theIraqi government, is a step to unify the state - building, and an important stage to promote the efforts ofnational reconciliation project , which routed Daesh in a comprehensive manner on the battlefield "usually that" growing consensus process has become a reality between the spectra of the Iraqi people. " the 
    mission added that" the European Union and the Member States encourage the Iraqi authorities to build on the momentum that has been achieved, the adoption of these laws important, to take additional steps to strengthen the role of law in Iraq through the delivery of law justice and accountability in a timely manner. " 
    the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Jan Kubis, expressed, in the26th of August , ornaments, welcomed the progress made ​​in the legislative program of the Iraqi parliament for adoption of the amnesty law, while several step toward strengthening the state building , expected to take further steps to strengthen the rule of law in Iraq after a legal ban on the Baath and amnesty acknowledgment.

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