BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq revealed a member of the legal committee of parliamentary Salim Chawki, Saturday, about the existence of three drafts in the parliament to amend the elections law Mahafezat, pointing to the existence of a trend , representative for reducing the number of councilors in half in order to rationalize the work and prevent sagging in Ath.oukal Shawki in a press statement today: "there is a debate to amend the Act 21 of 2008 amended with respect to the election of provincial councils and the preparation of board members Mahafezat', stressing that 'allthe political blocs moving towards reduce the number of members of these councils in half in orderto rationalize the work and prevent sagging in the state straighten Alaqrar'.oadav Shawqi, that 'there is more than one copy of the amendment Aleghanon', explaining that' there is a copy provided by the government is demanding the formation of a parliamentary government committee to get to the amendment to the Act Mahafezat, and another made of the mass of citizens have been read in the House of Representatives regarding the amendment of council elections Mahafezat, another copy made of ultra - MP Sheikh Ali'.waodh, that 'it is possible to include observations of Representatives on the law presented by the mass of the citizen to be added to the project to be one law without Tqata', warning that' the legal Committee hosted the members of the electoral Commission in the earlier and stated that there are legal and technical reasons prevented the integration of the elections because they went in the provincial elections in accordance with the timings Aldsturih'.wardv 'if it blocks went to the postponement of the elections , it can not be combined with Mahafezat, council elections, but delayed with boards of Representatives in 2018 and this requires a decision of the House of Representatives after the Council 's decision to Wazzra'.ofatt Shawqi, that ' the postponement of the elections provincial councils and merge the parliamentary elections need to vote by the House of Representatives. "