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    International Criminal Court plans to prosecute foreign elements Daesh

    Admin Assist
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    International Criminal Court plans to prosecute foreign elements Daesh Empty International Criminal Court plans to prosecute foreign elements Daesh

    Post by Rocky Sun 27 Nov 2016, 1:49 am

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    International Criminal Court plans to prosecute foreign elements Daesh

     translation term 

    Put Fatou Bensouda, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, the foreign fighters who are fighting alongside Daesh group under surveillance as looking for ways to bring them to justice for the crimes they committed in Syria and Iraq. 
    And charging the court for the crimes committed by citizens of countries signatory to the Court Act, number 124. She says Bensouda "Certainly we have jurisdiction over them , " but he also revealed that most of the foreign fighters - with some exceptions - are not from the top ranks among Daesh, and that the responsibility for prosecution lies first , the responsibility of their countries ' courts. 
    Bensouda The statement came a day after a meeting with French Foreign Minister Jean - Marc Oareault who assured her that France was ready to cooperate with the court and can start the procedures concerning French citizens involved in the war , along with Daesh. 
    France was among the countries that pressed the Security Council to authorize the International Criminal Court to investigate war crimes committed by all parties during the five years of the Syrian Civil War crimes. 
    The UN reported a dozen major accused Syrian officers to launch attacks on civilian targets and overseeing the torture, warning that they will face justice someday, Samantha Power , US Ambassador to the United Nations "She should know who are behind these attacks , we in the international community are watching their actions and document the violations and Snhasabhm someday. " 
    But the words found , displaying now denounce Russia - the main ally of Syrian President Bashar al - Assad - and China 's attempts to agree on a solution gives the ICC the right to investigate crimes committed in Syria. 
    The court - which was founded in 2002 and based in The Hague - a last resort to prosecute the most heinous crimes in the world in the absence of desire or lack of ability of national courts to do so. But it suffers from splits three African countries it accuses of bias against the continent. Russia also sent a blow last week when the court withdrew its signature of the Rome Statute for the establishment of the court, prompting thePhilippines to say that it may also withdraw. 
    But Bensouda said that these differences will not hinder its work and that the court 's duty is to ensure that the perpetrators of such crimes accountable. Bensouda Office will also decide soon to open a full investigation into the conflict in Afghanistan after making sure that the Taliban and Afghan government forces and US forces all may have committed war crimes in the country, where a team of court just ended a visit to Afghanistan and met with the authorities there, and they are waiting more information before the final decision on moving ahead with a full investigation can be very complicated. 
    Experts say it is unlikely that Washington recognizes any of the members of the Court. But Bensouda said "We're still trying to complete the preliminary screening process, and when we're done we will reach all theparties that are part of the conflict there , including international forces."

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