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    Source: Central Bank puts the two banks natives under guardianship

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    Source: Central Bank puts the two banks natives under guardianship Empty Source: Central Bank puts the two banks natives under guardianship

    Post by Rocky Tue 27 Dec 2016, 4:17 am

    [rtl]Source: Central Bank puts the two banks natives under guardianship[/rtl]

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    BAGHDAD / Baghdadi Uz..khv source at the central bank, said on Monday that the bank put two banks natives under guardianship, indicating that this decision was made because of the inability of the two banks on the obligation to pay the depositors' money.

    The source said in an interview with / Baghdadi News / "The central bank decided banker Dar es Salaam and the Tigris put under guardianship, starting on December 26."
    He added, "The central bank's decision came because of the banks managing the inability to fulfilling its obligations to customers for the loss of liquidity and poor departments that came upon them," .anthy 21 / d

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    Source: Central Bank puts the two banks natives under guardianship Empty Source: Central Bank stopped the three banks for the presence of the currency auction

    Post by Rocky Tue 27 Dec 2016, 5:34 am

    Source: Central Bank stopped the three banks for the presence of the currency auction

    17:57:00 26/12/2016 | (Voice of Iraq) - Alsumaria News / Baghdad , 

    said early on Monday that the central bank suspended three banks attend the auction currency source. 

    The source said in an interview for the Sumerian News, " The central bank halted on Monday, three banks from attending the auction currency", without giving further details. 

    And it will later publish the names of these banks details. 

    And established an independent Iraqi Central Bank as a bank under a law issued on the sixth of March 2004, as an independent body, which is responsible for maintaining price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies are being daily sessions for buying and selling currencies.

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    Source: Central Bank puts the two banks natives under guardianship Empty Source: Central Bank stopped the three banks for the presence of the currency auction

    Post by Rocky Tue 27 Dec 2016, 2:49 pm

    Source: Central Bank stopped the three banks for the presence of the currency auction

    2016-12-26 17:57:00 | (Voice of Iraq) - Alsumaria News / Baghdad

    According to an informed source, on Monday, the central bank suspended three banks for the presence of the currency auction.

    The source said in an interview for the Sumerian News, " The central bank halted on Monday, three banks from attending the auction currency", without giving further details.

    And it will later publish the names of these banks details.

    And established an independent Iraqi Central Bank as a bank under a law issued on the sixth of March 2004, as an independent body, which is responsible for maintaining price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies are being daily sessions for buying and selling currencies.

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    Source: Central Bank puts the two banks natives under guardianship Empty The central bank suspended three of the whales from entering Iraq currency auction

    Post by Rocky Tue 27 Dec 2016, 2:50 pm

    The central bank suspended three of the whales from entering Iraq currency auction

    December 26 .2016 - 16:59

    Sommer News: The CBI has decided to stop the three "whales" of the country, and Milirdirith "suspicious files of major corruption," and a sense of well-informed sources.

    The sources revealed's (Sumer News) The Central Bank stopped both "Hassan Nasser" and "Hamad al-Moussawi," and "Fadel Dabbas" to enter the auction and until further notice.

    The Sumer News has revealed in an earlier period, citing official at the Iraqi Central Bank sources, the details of suspicious and exciting relationship between Yasser Hamad al-Moussawi Huda commercial bank manager on the one hand, and the Central Bank and the Committee of the auction in which the other.

    As Sumer News published earlier Hamad al-Moussawi exception details from the file papers and lists of import, that is, it takes a dollar and converts it to the outside without specifying the quantity and without restriction, as his bank Huda Bank is the only bank which opened a branch in Baghdad airport.

    Informed sources also revealed, for (Sumer News) for what they described as "the biggest smuggler" of hard currency in Iraq, pointing out that it comes after the bank manager Huda Hamad al-Moussawi.

    The sources say that "so-called Hassan Nasser Jafar Chairman of the Board Bank management across Iraq and Sama Baghdad and the secretary-Arab is the largest smuggler of dollars and more traders buy him in the auction currency," pointing out that the self-styled Bmassarv "through Iraq and Sama Baghdad, Arab and secretary" have become banks, a banking offices. " .

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    Source: Central Bank puts the two banks natives under guardianship Empty Document .. Tigris and Euphrates Bank under guardianship

    Post by Rocky Tue 27 Dec 2016, 2:56 pm

    [rtl]Document .. Tigris and Euphrates Bank under guardianship[/rtl]
    [rtl] December 26 .2016 - 12:49 | Number of Views: 708   [/rtl]
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    [rtl]Sommer News: publish News Agency Sumer document issued by the Central Bank of Iraq reveal the status of the Tigris and Euphrates Bank for Development and Investment under the trusteeship.[/rtl]
    [rtl]Central and addressed the bank in an official document issued on Monday that "in view of the failure of your bank to meet the requirements set by the Bank of the Iraqi Center despite assurances numerous chances you that, the Board of the Central Bank issued resolution No. 171 for the year 2016 in its session numbered 1548 and held on the 15th of January the current , the bank placed under guardianship and the formation of a committee to carry out the tasks of guardianship. "[/rtl]
    [rtl]He added that "the guardian to submit a report to the Board of Directors of the Bank during the month of specifying the assets and liabilities and the fair value and no details on the financial position of the bank", adding that "Mr. Mohammad Hamid Abdul Razak that serves as the guardian of the bank."[/rtl]

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    Source: Central Bank puts the two banks natives under guardianship Empty Iraqi private bank under CBI custody

    Post by Rocky Tue 27 Dec 2016, 2:59 pm

    Iraqi private bank under CBI custody

    Tuesday, December 27, 2016

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    Baghdad/ Iraq TradeLink: The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) imposed its custody on a private bank due

    to its "financial difficulties".

    Banking sources reported that the CBI will be authorized to work on behalf of the bank.

    The sources named Dijlaا and Furat Bank to be under the custody in order to rectify its work.

    The sources added that this custody means that the bank is bankrupt, but a move to develop it.

    No other details were given.

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    Source: Central Bank puts the two banks natives under guardianship Empty Re: Source: Central Bank puts the two banks natives under guardianship

    Post by weslin3 Tue 27 Dec 2016, 7:15 pm

    on Monday, the central bank suspended three banks for the presence of the currency auction

    Looks like they are closing down the the currency auctions to me.
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    Source: Central Bank puts the two banks natives under guardianship Empty Re: Source: Central Bank puts the two banks natives under guardianship

    Post by zimi31 Tue 27 Dec 2016, 8:18 pm

    weslin3 wrote:

    on Monday, the central bank suspended three banks for the presence of the currency auction

    Looks like they are closing down the the currency auctions to me.

    Yes it does weslin....
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    Source: Central Bank puts the two banks natives under guardianship Empty Banks liquidity crisis put the Iraqis under the tutelage of the Central Bank

    Post by Rocky Wed 28 Dec 2016, 1:43 am

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    Banks liquidity crisis put the Iraqis under the tutelage of the Central Bank

     Baghdad / peace Zidane 

    Central Bank to impose trusteeship bank Dar es Salaam and the Tigris and Euphrates rivers because of non - fulfillment of their obligations to repay deposits of citizens during the past few days, while the confirmed number of specialists in finance and business affairs, the central bank assumes what we have reached the banks because of poor oversight of its work during the past period and the large number of irregularities Finance. 

    Dozens of citizens demonstrating in front of the central bank during the last period as a result of Dar es Salaam refused to give them their deposits amounting to thousands of dollars. 
    An official source in the banking sector "long", " The central bank decided to impose a trusteeship on the bank of Dar es Salaam for investment and the Tigris and Euphrates rivers because of Aavaihma to repay deposits of citizens during the last period as a result of mismanagement , " stressing that " the central bank has in the past days by firing part of the legal reserve Dar es Salaam to depositors, but the bank can not meet its obligations. " 
    The source added that " the central bank will appoint two people to manage the bank Dar es Salaam and the Tigris and Euphrates directly until the disposal of the depositors problems and then decide before the liquidation , as happened with Basra bank or continue to work and raise custody , as happened with the economy the Bank." 
    According to Article 59 of the Banking Act No. 94 of 2004 to the central bank to appoint a trustee for the bank when it decided that the bank does not meet its financial obligations and capital of at least 5% of the minimum does not implement an order issued by the central bank , while Article 60 refers Ieian guardian for a maximum of eighteen months and impose control over the bank 's assets, books and records. 
    The central bank decided to place the custody of banks and the economy, development and Elaf United Investment, Basra and the Warka because of financial mismanagement and abuses that have occurred in their work during the last period to decide after a period lifted the custody of some of them after adjusting their financial situation. 
    On the other hand, President of the Economic Media, Durgham Muhammad Ali's "long" said that " the central bank law has to protect deposits in the government and private banks as a relevant entity in licensing and monitoring the work of banks and ensure their commitment to the standards set by the law to ensure the rights of depositors," he "it is natural to impose trusteeship on any bank violates exceeds the banking instructions or chaos performed or fail to save the rights of depositors or commit violations of the law." 
    He explained that " the previous directives of the Central Bank experience has frozen the assets of the public for long periods , which calls for creating flexible mechanisms to ensure the people their rights as soon as , " noting that " the mechanisms that must be taken by the central bank after the guardianship is the scrutiny of large loans and strict control over credit policies of banks with ensuring a higher level of protection for deposits. " 
    While the vice president of the Iraqi Economists Association, Bassem Jamil Anton said the "long" that " the many complaints by citizens to the banks and not to grant deposits them difficult and the rights of citizens in addition to the financial irregularities making the central bank intervenes to impose trusteeship , " adding that " the Central Bank He hoped that things are going these banks fairly and maintaining the rights of shareholders and depositors , but the continuation of irregularities made him take this decision. " 
    He pointed out that "there are successful experiments have taken place in the past to impose guardianship , such as a bank of Warka and the economy , which Sahha their forms and they continued to work after the guardianship lift", noting that " the central bank will appoint competent people to manage the banks that put them guardianship." 
    Anton stressed that " the weak control of the Central Bank during the last period on the banks bring them up to this point, but the day began to set conditions and they inspect all banks to prevent the fall of other banks."
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    Source: Central Bank puts the two banks natives under guardianship Empty Documents .. Central puts Dar es Salaam and the Tigris and Euphrates under guardianship

    Post by Rocky Thu 29 Dec 2016, 8:37 am

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    Thursday, 29 December 2016 15:11

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    Alsumaria News / Baghdad 
    publishes agency Alsumaria News, Sadrtin two documents from the CBI show two bank Dar es Salaam for investment and the development of the Tigris and Euphrates Development and Investment under the trusteeship. 

    It came because of " the failure of banks to meet the requirements set by the central bank despite assurances numerous chances for that are."

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