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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Alliance of forces calls on Abadi to put an end to abuses on the mosques of the Sunnis

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Alliance of forces calls on Abadi to put an end to abuses on the mosques of the Sunnis Empty Alliance of forces calls on Abadi to put an end to abuses on the mosques of the Sunnis

    Post by Rocky Sat 01 Apr 2017, 1:31 am

    Alliance of forces calls on Abadi to put an end to abuses on the mosques of the Sunnis

    BAGHDAD, March 31 (KUNA) - Iraqi forces called on Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to end the serious violations of Sunni mosques by officials of the Shiite Endowment.
    The Coalition said in a statement that "these abuses this time affected the collectors of al-Qazzaz in the area of ​​Zayouna and Najat Al-Suwaidi on 14 Ramadan Street in Mansur, the capital, and accused the Shiite Waqf in coordination with the real estate registration departments in Baghdad and illegal ways to change the land, The construction of the two mosques on commercial streets and the conclusion of contracts for the establishment of shops Mascat, an attempt to invest the Sunni Endowment to refuse to preserve the spirituality of these mosques and privacy.
    The coalition pointed out that these parties repeat their previous attempts which they tried more than two years ago when they made their known tour of the real estate registration departments in Baghdad and the governorates in order to change the Waqf real estate bonds belonging to the Sunni Endowment Bureau and register them in the name of the Shiite Endowments Bureau. The real estate registration to comply with its orders and the violation of the laws in force. "
    The coalition explained that "these attempts failed after they were canceled and the return of those properties in the name of the Sunni Endowment by legal means after providing all proof of its return and to approach the supervisory bodies and the Integrity Commission to hold accountable the employees who changed the bonds of the property.
    He called on the coalition Prime Minister Haider Abadi to work to put an end to the violations and serious violations on the mosques of the Sunnis, "warning that" the failure of the government to take deterrent measures to stop these violations would encourage its practitioners to continue this outrageous behavior, which would contribute to the creation of sectarian strife And damage to the national unity of the Iraqi people. " Finished

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