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    "Trump" is committed to defeating the Taliban and "Daesh" in Afghanistan

    Admin Assist
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    "Trump" is committed to defeating the Taliban and "Daesh" in Afghanistan Empty "Trump" is committed to defeating the Taliban and "Daesh" in Afghanistan

    Post by Rocky Wed 10 May 2017, 3:15 am

    "Trump" is committed to defeating the Taliban and "Daesh" in Afghanistan

    The White House announced that US President, Donald Trump, wants to make sure the defeat of the Taliban, and the organization 'Daesh' in Afghanistan, as quoted by news agency 'severity Press' Afghan Tuesday.

    In response to a question about the deterioration of the security situation in Afghanistan, he said the press secretary of the White House, Sean Spicer, 'I think that' Trump ', first wants to make sure defeat' Daesh '- this is hurt in the interests of our security national - and to ensure the protection of our people, but we do in a way that is responsible and intelligent '.

    He added Spicer, 'I mean that the US president, to avoid addressing where to go, and what he will do, so that the enemy does not know his plan early.'

    He asked Spicer, 'How do we achieve these key results ?, how do we do what is in the interest of the country and take advantage of our army and treasure to the maximum degree ?, it something we continue to work on it, and is thus seen by' Trump 'part, and implemented'.

    The spokesman did not reveal more information about what the US officials on the Pentagon 's plan to send several thousand additional US troops to Afghanistan.

    It showed that he said that 'Trump', wants to make sure that we do what we can to win, adding 'This is why the generals and military advisors and the national security team to prepare a plan cost can reach us to victory. "

      Current date/time is Thu 12 Sep 2024, 1:27 am